Preparatory courses

Discover university education and life at UNamur while revising the subjects essential for your future training.

To get your first year of study off to a good start, UNamur is offering preparatory courses in IT, mathematics, languages and university work methodology during the last two weeks of August.

Two programs are on offer:

  • in the morning: computer science, mathematics and university work methodology;
  • in the afternoon: languages (English and/or Dutch).

Do you have what it takes?

Test your knowledge and skills with "Passeports pour le bac".

At the start of your first year, "Passeports pour le bac" allow you to compare what you've learned with what your teachers expect. Reinforcement and remediation sessions are offered by the Faculty. In this way, you can fill in any gaps in your knowledge and help yourself to succeed. The results are not taken into account in your end-of-year assessment.

Are your methods appropriate?

To succeed in your first year, you need effective strategies.

Working methods sessions are organized to familiarize you with university learning techniques:

  • taking clear, comprehensive notes;
  • summarizing and synthesizing material;
  • understanding material in depth;
  • memorizing large amounts of information;
  • managing your time during class and blockade periods;
  • organizing your work;
  • anticipating teachers' requirements.

In addition, if you encounter difficulties in your study method, the cellule interfacultaire d'appui pédagogique offers you individual follow-up. The Faculty's pedagogical coordinator can also meet with you throughout the year to review your study methods and techniques and help you improve them.

And if you run into difficulties?

UNamur offers you remediation sessions.

The exercise sessions organized in small groups make it easier for you to assimilate the subjects. You are regularly quizzed during these sessions, enabling you to assess the quality of your study and remedy any weaknesses in good time through remediation sessions.

Remediation takes the form of different activities: question-and-answer sessions, test or exam corrections, group work corrections...

Thanks to the tutoring scheme, you can be sponsored by a student enrolled in a higher year. At "Info-Meet" sessions, sponsors share their experiences, tips and tricks, and answer your questions to ensure that your first year of study goes as smoothly as possible.

How can you prepare for the exams?

Studying regularly, acquiring good methods, but also knowing the requirements of teachers and their way of questioning.

In the first year, formative assessments are organized at the end of October in 3 or 4 subjects. These are known as "mid-semester tests". You will be given the papers, corrected and commented on.

These tests do not play a part in the marks awarded at the end of the year. They are merely a training tool to help you appreciate the level of your teachers' requirements and judge the effectiveness of your work.

Furthermore, for first-year students, the Faculty organizes two "Info-Methodo" sessions in the middle of the term to help you unpack your teachers' requirements and expectations for the exams.

Beyond the first year, you adapt your effort more effectively to the nature and importance of each subject on the syllabus. As a result, you no longer benefit from regular questioning.

Exam organization

January, June and, if necessary, August... three sessions to prove your mastery of the subjects.

In January, you sit the exams on the 1st term courses. If you fail, you can retake the relevant exam in June and/or August. Three chances to succeed, but only in your first year as a bachelor. The Faculty organizes specific remediation sessions for the exams on offer.

From the second year onwards, any exam failed in the January or June session is automatically carried over to the August session.
