Succeeding in a year at university requires students to develop numerous methodological skills. Whether you're just starting out on your university career or not, you'll encounter multiple challenges: taking full and correct notes of dense lectures, managing your work over time, memorizing large amounts of material, creating studyable and enjoyable course materials for yourself, etc. The Cellule interfacultaire d'appui pédagogique is here to give you the best possible tools to meet these challenges!
Supporting students in their study methods
We offer students enrolled at the University of Namur methodological support in various forms at key moments in the academic year:
Before the start of the academic year:
Before and during the academic year:
During the academic year:
- Individual coaching: Methodological interviews.
- Group coaching: Midis méthodologiques et ateliers méthodologiques
- Resources
Consult below the various aids offered by the Cellule interfacultaire d'appui pédagogique. These have of course been adapted to students' current needs (tools on e-learning, preparing for a blockade following a distance quadrimester, studying for an open-course exam...). In order to be accessible at a distance, all tools are digitized and accessible via Webcampus.

Objectives of the Interfaculty Pedagogical Support Unit
- For students at the University of Namur, the cellule interfacultaire d'appui pédagogique (CIAP) offers free group methodological workshops and individualized support throughout the academic year, mainly in the area of methodological skills. It also provides a number of dynamic tool sheets available to students on various topics such as note-taking, time management, identifying teachers' expectations, e-learning... The Cellule interfacultaire d'appui pédagogique also organizes training for students who have dropped out, helping them to reorient their studies: Rebond training.
- For teachers at the University of Namur, the cell's mission is to support and promote pedagogical innovations. Internally, it supports teaching through various services: publication of an in-house teaching magazine (RESEAU), assistance with the design and development of teaching projects in the increasingly frequent use of ICTE, management and development of the WebCampus platform, support for requests from teachers (pedagogical advice, product design and development, project support, pedagogical design, etc.), departments (e.g., introducing students to oral presentation) or faculties (e.g., evaluation of a year's program). Externally, CIAP participates in the training of Hautes Écoles teachers as part of the CAPAES program.
- Finally, to ensure the high quality of its services and training, the unit develops research on the following themes:
- factors for success in higher education and early school leaving
- supporting students in the transition from secondary to higher education (taking into account the importance of emotional regulation in learning)
- pre-requisites for university courses
- pedagogy in higher education
- integrating ICTE into higher education (WebCampus, project support, etc.)
- integrating ICT into higher education (WebCampus, project support, etc.)
- integrating ICT into higher education (WebCampus, project support, etc.)
- integrating ICT into higher education (WebCampus, project support, etc.).)
- didactics specific to higher education
Other support for students
- The Cellule Médico-Psychologique
The Cellule Médico-Psychologique (CMP) provides help in choosing a course of study, for a psychological or medical consultation or to manage stress. It also supports students with special needs. Learn more
- The student social service
The social service offers a permanent listening service for students concerning financial, relational or adjustment difficulties to student life. It can help with study-related expenses and provide information on student status in Belgium. Learn more
- The Students' General Assembly (AGE)
The Students' General Assembly (AGE) is the official body representing and animating the students of the University of Namur. This representation is based on a political pole and an animation pole listening to and serving students. Learn more
If you have any doubts about the effectiveness of your methods, don't hesitate to get in touch with us via
Cellule interfacultaire d'appui pédagogique
Place Saint-Aubain, 14
5000 Namur