The ICTE unit is responsible for providing information, training, advice and support for the design and production of educational products and systems that make use of information and communication technologies, so that the use of technology is designed from the outset in line with the objectives that motivate it.

Do you want to train yourself or your students?

All on-demand training courses are tailor-made. They are offered face-to-face. Dates and formats are flexible to meet needs.

On-demand training for teachers

Individual or group coaching is available for the following themes and digital tools.

  • WebCampus

  • Open education and sharing licenses

  • Compilatio

  • Amanote

  • AmanoteFR">Amanote

  • Wooclap

  • H5P

  • OneDrive

  • Médias UNamur

  • Genially

  • Miro

  • Excel (teaching activities)

On-demand training for students

Interventions can be organized around the following themes:

  • Search engines

  • Designing a presentation medium (scientific communications)

  • PowerPoint and Word

  • Managing document spaces (managing, saving, naming and saving files)

  • Management of professional messaging tools (mailbox) and digital charter

  • Safe browsing through WebCampus

  • Video design and editing

  • Amanote

  • Utilization of hardware and software

  • Utilization of softwareFR">Using the digital equipment provided

Next training courses

  • Exploit the strengths of WebCampus

Optimize your course spaces and rediscover integrated tools to offer a more engaging user experience

Date: May 30, 2024

Method: Face-to-face workshop

Event details & registration

  • Demystifying collaboration with OneDrive and the Microsoft suite

Five half-hour sessions, delivered remotely to lift the veil on OneDrive, data synchronization, as well as interconnections with other digital environments such as Microsoft Teams and the file explorer/finder.

Dates: June 3, 10, 17, 14 and July 1

Event details & registration

  • Going off the beaten track in PowerPoint design

Four hands-on workshops to break free from the classic schemes of designing a slideshow presentation to achieve engaging, dynamic visuals. Come and discover with us the unsuspected functionalities of this tool.

Dates: August 26, September 2, 9 and 16, 2024

Event details & registration

Upcoming trainings (under development)

  • Training in Open education and sharing licenses, (details of how and when will be announced shortly)

  • Training to improve the accessibility of your educational devices, (details of procedures and dates to be announced)

  • Numérique responsable (details of procedures and dates to be announced)

Do you need help choosing or using a digital tool for your teaching?

  • Do you need advice on a tool, technique or software (help with choice and use) for your teaching or for a project?

  • You're looking for support in implementing your teaching innovations, developing your course materials, or evaluating the relevance of using technology in your teaching?

  • Would you like support in setting up a complex questionnaire (multiple choice, open question, access restrictions...) or an automated course?

Do you have a project involving the integration of digital technology into your teaching?

  • You want to develop a project that requires digital skills?

  • You want to set up advanced online/offline educational path(s)?


If you'd like to be kept informed of dates, send us an e-mail to

Do you have a training need that would benefit the teaching community? Specify your request at the following address: