Optical scanning can be used to design MCQ-type exams and satisfaction surveys. The ICTE unit can support you in this process.

Who can benefit from the service?

All Faculties, Departments and administrations may request access to the scanning tools offered by the ICTE unit in order to carry out examinations and satisfaction surveys.

Service description and access conditions

The scanning department is equipped with two software programs enabling it to carry out both QCM-type exams and satisfaction surveys.

The optical reading service is integrated into the TICE unit, so that lecturers can benefit from the expertise of unit members in student assessment practices, and in particular the rules for designing and writing MCQs. Assistance in analyzing results is also offered.

From the exams point of view, a document setting out the procedure for using the service and instructions for carrying out a MCQ-type exam are available on TerraNostra (access restricted to UNamur members).

As regards surveys, anyone interested is invited to contact the service to see the possibilities and deadlines.


Optical scanning service

Laurence Dumortier and Pauline Pirlot


+32(0)81 72 51 82