The Faculty of Education and Training Sciences (FaSEF) is steered by various consultative and decision-making bodies.


The Faculty is administered by a Dean and a Vice-Dean. To assist them in their many missions, common services, an administrative and academic secretariat, and decision-making and consultative bodies are to be set up:

  • the Faculty Council, which defines faculty policy
  • the Faculty Board, which prepares the Faculty Council

Integrated services

  • The Cellule TICE

The cellule TICE pursues missions of information, training, consultancy and support for the design and production of educational products and systems using information and communication technologies. It is also responsible for the day-to-day management of teaching and licensing tools, as well as the maintenance and development of the WebCampus teaching platform.


The PUNCH team supports teachers, assistants in their innovative pedagogy by offering pedagogical training courses, giving teachers the opportunity to present their inspiring pedagogical experiments, accompanying teachers in their pedagogical development projects.

  • The optical reading service

This offers a service for exam paper correction and survey processing by optical reading internally and externally.

  • The Cellule interfacultaire d'appui pédagogique

The Cellule interfacultaire d'appui pédagogique (CIAP) offers students enrolled at the University of Namur methodological support in various forms: preparatory courses, individual and group coaching, teaching resources and the MOOC "Aim for success - become a super student".

  • Support

Pedagogical support for continuing education program holders : United with administrative support and support in terms of promotion within an interservice platform for continuing education, pedagogical support for UNamur continuing education carriers offers both a reflection on the design, operationalization, implementation and evaluation of CE programs.