Research is centered on the Unité de Recherche en Sciences de l'Éducation et de la Formation (URSEF). It constitutes a dynamic gathering of researchers within the Faculty of Education and Training Sciences (FaSEF). These researchers, who are also affiliated to the UNamur Institute for Research in Didactics and Education (IRDENa), are dedicated to a multi- and trans-disciplinary exploration of educational phenomena. Their work encompasses a diversity of research objects, nourishing the quality of services and teachings.
The URSEF brings together all researchers from the FaSEF. Its researchers are also members of the Institut de Recherche en Didactique et Education de l'UNamur (IRDENa). These develop work aimed at the multi and transdisciplinary understanding of educational phenomena. Their research therefore focuses on a variety of objects.

Our research
They feed into the quality of our services and teaching, and are at the crossroads of several disciplinary fields such as:
- educational psychology;
- educational sociology;
- educational philosophy;
- didactics, etc.
Our research employs a variety of data collection and analysis methodologies (qualitative, quantitative and mixed), adapted to the research objects. They are part of international networks of educational researchers (collaborations with the Francophonie and beyond).
Since September 2023, with the creation of Section 10bis, the FaSEF has been authorized to award doctorates in Education and Teaching Sciences. FaSEF currently has 5 doctorates in progress.
Pacte pour un Enseignement d'Excellence
Our research teams are also involved in several projects linked to the Pacte pour un Enseignement d'Excellence reform.