Our research activities are divided into 3 main areas.
Scientific consortia
There are 8 Consortiums, bringing together members of the universities, Hautes écoles and écoles supérieures des arts de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles responsible for supplying the e-classe.be platform with didactic tools for teachers. Several FASEF members are part of the "Sensibilités et expressions artistiques" Consortium, whose aim is to reference, validate and develop tools and devices for teachers in Cultural and Artistic Education.
Scientific support for the Pacte
Annually, teams from the 5 FWB universities are tasked with scientifically underpinning themes identified by the FWB Ministry of Education. The Namur team has dealt with issues such as student portfolios, textbooks, innovative teaching practices in upper secondary education and the transition from secondary to higher education. The Study Day on May 14, 2019 is a case in point.