Each year, UNamur's Faculty of Computer Science awards the Prix Jean Fichefet for the best master's thesis in computer science. From the 2022-2023 year, there will be two awards, which are entitled: Best Thesis Award (General Impact) and (Societal Impact).

Professor Emeritus Jean Fichefet

The name of this award pays tribute to Professor Emeritus Jean Fichefet, who played a leading role in founding and consolidating the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of Namur. Behind this discreet Professor with multiple scientific interests (applied mathematics, graph theory, operations research, game theory, medical informatics, fractals, etc.) lies the steely temperament of a visionary... and a manager! For over 30 years, Professor Fichefet has been a driving force at every crucial stage in the life of the Faculty: from its foundation in the late 60s as an Institute to its transition to Faculty status, via the expansion to Charleroi in the 90s, the launch of the Infopôle, etc.

Professor Fichefet's support for the creation of this prize testifies to his unfailing attachment to students and his constant desire to motivate young people in the pursuit of scientific excellence.

Beyond the person of Jean Fichefet, the creation of this prize salutes the spirit of innovation, of undertaking, of investing in new fields and new avenues, a spirit that has been and will remain one of the hallmarks of the Namur Faculty of Computer Science.


  • 2022-2023 (general impact)

Alix DECROP - "Leveraging Large Language Models to Automatically Infer RESTful API Specifications"

  • 2022-2023 (societal impact)

Maxime CAUCHETEUR - "SmallBrother: Analysis, design and validation of an application for people with Alzheimer's disease"

  • 2021-2022

Maxime ANDRE - "Recommendations for User Interfaces Adapted to Deafness"

  • 2020-2021

Thomas KINTZIGER/Jehan BERNARD - "MongoDB Code Smells: Defining, Classifying
and Detecting Code Smells for MongoDB Interactions in Java Programs"

  • 2019-2020

Jérôme MAQUOI - "Visualization of the home-work commutetravail des agents de la ville de Charleroi"

  • 2018-2019

François GEORIS-"Model generation and quality extraction for Agile software development"

Thomas VANHAEREN - "Chromatin loops prediction with Machine Learning"

  • 2017-2018

Laurent Evrard-"Prediction of an attacker's behavior from semantic distance metrics derived from a large darknet"

Alexandre Devue/Ezequiel Ferrero- "Needs analysis and prototyping of a computerized life notebook for Alzheimer's patients"

Geoffroy Herbin- "Reasoning on Gene Regulatory Networks using Constraint Logic Programming"

  • 2016-2017

Gonzague Yernaux-"Algorithmic equivalence by transformations of constrained logic programs"

  • 2015-.2016

Simon Desart - "A Case Study to Enhance the Smartphone's Accessibility for Visually Impaired People"

  • 2014-2015

Steven Von Haus - "Detection of neuropsychiatric disorders based on motion capture and machine learning"

  • 2013-2014

HORTZ Alan - "Collaborative Creativity in Requirements Engineering - Tools for the Facilitator"

  • 2012-2013 (awarded ex-aequo to two dissertations)

DAVRIL Jean-Marc, DELFOSSE Édouard - "Feature Model Extraction from Large Collections of Informal Product Descriptions"

GOBERT Maxime, MAES Jérôme - "Innovative Techniques and Tools for Database Reverse Engineering in Large Data Intensive Systems"