The collaborative economy refers to marketplaces that provide access to goods, services or skills through peer-to-peer exchanges. NADI explores the economic, technological and societal/environmental impacts of these exchanges.

The sharing economy or collaborative society is a new paradigm that is developing very rapidly, in which the use of a good or service prevails over its ownership. This access-based approach is supported by societal, economic and technological enablers.

A PwC report predicts that five key sharing sectors (P2P finance, online recruitment, P2P hosting, ride-sharing and music/video streaming) have the potential to increase global revenues from USD 15 billion in 2014 to USD 335 billion by 2025.

NADI investigates a range of issues related to this emerging collaborative economy/society, including the technical workings of P2P platforms enabling providers and users to share or exchange goods and services securely and privately; the psychological processes (motivations, attitudes, emotions, etc.) that underlie the adoption of collaborative initiatives; the extent to which technical, informational and social skills are mobilized by users; the legal rules applied to users and platforms in the sharing economy (in particular, consumer protection, labor law and competition law).



  • P. Alexiadis and A. de Streel (2020), Designing an EU Intervention Standard for Digital Platforms (with), EUI Working Paper-RSCAS 2020/14.
  • M. Buiten., A. de Streel and M. Peitz (2020), Rethinking Liability Rules for Online Hosting Platforms (with), International Journal of Law and Information Technology 28, 139-166
  • J.-N. Colin, J-N. (2020). From Bitcoin to DAOs: the technical foundations of blockchain. In Les blockchains et les smart contracts à l'épreuve du droit (Larcier). 9--29.
  • A. Decrop (Ed.) (2017). La consommation collaborative: Enjeux et défis de la nouvelle société du partage. De Boeck.
  • A. Decrop, G. Del Chiappa, J. Mallargé and P. Zidda (2018). ``Couchsurfing has made me a better person and the world a better place'': the transformative power of collaborative tourism experiences. Journal of Travel \& Tourism Marketing, 35(1), 57-72.
  • A. Decrop and A. Graul (2019). The Role Of System Trust And Risk Perception In Providing Assets For Collaborative Consumption Schemes. Journal of Management for Global Sustainability, 7(1).
  • H. Jacquemin. Collaborative economy platforms tested by the law of obligations and consumer protection rules. Enjeux et défis juridiques de l'économie de plateforme, CUP, Limal, Anthemis, 2019, pp. 85-136.
  • H. Jacquemin, Consumers contracting with other consumers in the sharing economy: fill in the gaps in the legal framework or switch to the blockchain model. IDP, Revista de Internet, Derecho y Política, 2019/28, pp. 44-55.
  • J. Mallargé, A. Decrop and P. Zidda (2019). Revisiting satisfaction with collaborative exchanges in the sharing economy. In Handbook of the Sharing Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • J. Mallargé, P. Zidda and A. Decrop (2017). Typology of practices and profile of collaborative consumers. Consommation collaborative: Enjeux et défis de la nouvelle société du partage, dir. Alain Decrop, DeBoeck Supérieur, Louvain la Neuve, 55-84.
  • K. Sok, J.-N. Colin, and K. Po (2018). Blockchain and Internet of Things Opportunities and Challenges. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2018), ACM, New York, NY, USA, 150--154.
  • A. de Streel and M. Husovec (2020), The e-commerce Directive as the cornerstone of the Internal Market, Study for the European Parliament.
  • A. de Streel, A. Kuczerawy and M. Ledger (2019) Online Platforms and Services (with, in Electronic communications, Audiovisual Services and the Internet: EU Competition Law and Regulation, 4th ed., Sweet \& Maxwell, 125-157.


  • ARCCIS (Assessment and Reinforcement of the Regulatory Compliance of an Information System) : In-company PhD. grant, starting in March 2020.
  • Ccschemes (2018): What drives consumers to provide goods in collaborative consumption schemes? The role of market mediation and reciprocation.
  • SABSpinOff: Based on a collaboration between MARO (UMons, Jean-Marc Godart and Daniel Tuytens) and CeRCLe (UNamur, Jérôme Mallargé and Pietro Zidda), this project includes a 6-month research grant from the Walloon Region (Aug. 2018 - Jan. 2019) to develop a proof of concept for the ShareABike bike sharing system.
  • ShareABike: Based on a collaboration between MARO (UMons, Jean-Marc Godart and Daniel Tuytens), Naxys (UNamur, Eric Cornelis and Timoteo Carletti) and CeRCLe (UNamur, Jérôme Mallargé and Pietro Zidda), this project includes a 3-year research grant from the Walloon Region (Oct. 2014 - Sept. 2017) to study and develop a new generic and smart system of bike sharing.


Alain Decrop