As the BUMP is closed to move to the temporary premises, study space is available for members of the University of Namur.

These premises are accessible from August 5 to August 31, 2024, 7 days a week.

Available premises

  • D14
  • D15
  • D16
Ancienne Banque Nationale Espace Pedro ArrupeFaculty of LawFaculty of Law Library
Horaires08h00 - 00h0008h00 - 18h0008h00 - 18h0008h30 - 16h00
AddressRempart de la ViergeRue de Bruxelles or Sentier ThomasRue GrandgagnageRue Grandgagnage
  • BN01
  • BN02
  • BN03
  • BN11
  • BN21
  • PA12
  • PA13
  • PA21
  • PA22
  • PA23
  • PA24
First Floor Faculty floor
Number of seats252224114190
Allowed audienceRoom reserved for UNamur members

Check availability of premises

Vue du module horaires