Why, when and how to deposit?

Why deposit?

The institutional mandate makes the online deposit of defended theses compulsory and conditional upon graduation.

The online thesis deposit offers several advantages:

- Better visibility and valorization thanks to the institutional deposit
- Long-term preservation
- Increased visibility of your work thanks to Open Access.

When to deposit?

As soon as the final version of the thesis has been validated, preferably before the public defense.

How to deposit?

Complete the form below, adding the thesis (to be uploaded in PDF format) and the signed copyright license.

After submitting the form, BUMP may contact you for further information.

Does your thesis contain previously published text?

For any thesis containing published text, check the relevant publisher's policy via Open poilcy finder

A question?

Contact BUMP via the address: depot-these.bump@unamur.be

Thesis submission form

The institutional mandate requires each UNamur doctoral student to deposit the final document of their thesis in the institutional repository in order to:

  • Promote a better visibility of the PhD student
  • Ensure the durability of the document
  • Make scientific production accessible as quickly as possible
  • Respect the various laws enacted for Open Access

The university supports the Open Access movement and invites its members to make their publications open whenever possible. All research financed in whole or in part by public funds must be placed in open access with an embargo of 6 months to 1 year if necessary. The only exception concerns work containing confidential data.


To validate the form, you must first fill in the license. Complete and sign the copyright license then submit it online via the link below.

General information
Legal address
Please indicate an approximate date
Example: FRIA
Thesis information
Please separate your different keywords with commas.

You are about to give the University permission to publish your thesis on the institutional directory. Your thesis may contain articles already published by a publisher. If this is the case, it is particularly important for both you and the University that this publication does not conflict or contradict your publisher's publishing contract or editorial policies. Failure to comply with these rules could prove legally damaging for the University and also for you. The publisher would be well justified in suing you for breach of contract.

So, if your thesis contains previously published articles, please check that you have the necessary permissions for publication on the institutional directory.

To check this out, feel free to visit Open poilcy finder. The various versions you can find there are:

  • pre-print: version sent to the publisher before acceptance
  • post-print: version accepted by the publisher, peer-reviewed or not
  • pdf publisher: version published with the publisher's layout
The thesis contains the text of submitted/accepted/published article(s).
If you answered "yes" above, this is mandatory. Title, review, version for each article.
Publication of the thesis by a publisher
To be completed if published in full or in part
To be completed if partial publication
Patent filed or planned based on thesis results ( optional )
Access type
To be completed in case of embargo or mixed access (for embargoed chapters)
To be completed in case of mixed access
To be completed in case of mixed access
My thesis

File name: YearThesis_InitialNameFirstname.pdf; Example: 2018_DupontM_these.pdf

If there are several files, please indicate the number after "these". Example: 2018_DupontM_these1.pdf

Maximum 5 files.
32 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, mp4, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.

In the event of an error (504 Gateway Time-Out), please check the mailbox you specified above before resending the form. Please note that the maximum load for all documents is 100 megabytes (MB). If the problem persists, please contact depot-these.bump@unamur.be.

In order to process your request, you must complete all fields marked "optional". When you submit this form, the completed data will be transmitted to UNamur and used to process your request. Learn more about your data protection and your rights