A whole range of works can be consulted directly, in store or in the Precious Reserves.

Direct access books

Direct access books are freely accessible. After consultation, they must be returned to the pre-storage carts. All direct-access book reservations are valid for 5 days.

Etudiante à la bibliothèque

Books in store

The books in the store can be requested for consultation:

  • Via the online catalog
  • Via the following forms
Rangée de livres à la bibliothèque

Document requests for the BUMP-Magasin (Grafé) location will be processed at the following times:

For submission of requestsAvailability from

Requested works in stores are set aside for 5 days.

Works in Precious Reserves

Documents in the Réserves précieuses and pre-1830 works described on the digitized cards or listed in the Matagne catalogs can be consulted on request. Consultation is limited to 5 works at a time. Authorization is valid for 2 weeks. To consult a document, please first go to the online catalog. If the work is not available in the catalog and/or you are not a BUMP user, please fill in the other form.

Une personne qui consulte un ouvrage précieux

Schedules and consultation procedure


  • Monday: 2pm - 4pm
  • Thursday: 9am - 12pm
  • Friday: 9am - 12pm

Documents will be consulted on a table provided for this purpose.

When consulting,

  • Bags and coats are not allowed. Checkroom facilities are available.
  • All documents must be handled with care. Only pencils, notepads and laptops are accepted for taking notes.
  • The camera flash must be deactivated if you wish to take photos.
  • You are asked to keep your hands clean. Disinfectant is available.

For further information, please send your request to patrimoine.bump@unamur.be

Seminar and course books

At the request of teachers, documents can be reserved. The list of books reserved for a course is available in the catalog. These books are listed under the status "in seminar". These documents are available at the counter. They can only be consulted on site during library opening hours.

Etudiante et professeure à la bibliothèque