Internal members

Alain Decrop

Alain Decrop is Full Professor of Marketing at the University of Namur, Belgium. Founding member and former Director of NADI-CeRCLe (Namur Digital Institute - Center for Research on Consumption and Leisure) and CCMS (Center for research on Consumers and Marketing Strategy), he is a former President of the French Marketing Association (AFM). He holds master degrees in modern history and economics, and a Ph.D. in business administration. Alain Decrop has been teaching a number of courses related to marketing management, consumer behavior, digital marketing communications, research methods, services management and collaborative business models. His research interests include consumer behavior, collaborative economy, qualitative methods, and leisure/tourism marketing. 

He has been invited to teach and to conduct research projects in a large number of academic institutions both in Belgium (UCLouvain, KULeuven, USLB) and abroad (Universidad de Valencia, Baltic Management Institute, Université Gustave Eifel, Kedge Business School etc.). 

Alain Decrop is the author and editor of many books including “Sustainable and Collaborative Tourism in a Digital World” (Goodfellow, 2021) and “Consumer behavior in tourism and hospitality research” (Emerald, 2017). His other works have appeared in a number of edited books and leading academic journals, including Annals of Tourism Research, International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Public Policy Marketing, Journal of Travel Research, Psychology and Marketing, Recherches et Applications en Marketing, and Tourism Management. Finally, Alain Decrop has produced five films to document research outputs related to postmodern consumption. Three of these films have been awarded at major conferences and festivals. 

Wafa Hammedi

Prof. Wafa Hammedi is a renowned Professor of Service Management and Marketing at the University of Namur, Belgium, where she heads the Nadi-Cercle Research Center in Marketing and Service Management. She is also the co-director of the Inter-University Center on Consumers and Marketing Strategy (CCMS) with the University of Louvain and serves on the board of the Namur Digital Institute. Additionally, she is an academic scholar at Cornell University, USA. Prof. Hammedi earned her Ph.D. from the Institute for Management Research at Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands.

An established scholar in the field of service management, Prof. Hammedi teaches subjects related to service management, service design and innovation, social innovation, marketing strategy, and entrepreneurship. She coordinates the Service Management and Marketing Master program. Her research interests encompass a wide range of topics within service innovation, technology-mediated interactions, and co-creation mechanisms (such as gamification) on digital platforms in both Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) contexts. Her current projects focus on vulnerable service users (e.g., patients, those at the bottom of the pyramid,  frontline employees, and service users with disabilities), service inclusion, and emphasizing research with social impact.

Prof. Hammedi has an extensive publication record in highly ranked journals,  including the Journal of Service Research,  Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Brand Management, Journal of Services Marketing, Decision Management, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,  the Journal of Marketing Management among others.

Internationally recognized, Prof. Hammedi has won several research awards from academic organizations and at international conferences such as the American Marketing Association, the French Marketing Association, QUIS, and EIRASS. She has received multiple research grants (FEDER, BNB, Walloon Region, among others) and collaborates closely with industry. She was awarded the IBM Faculty Award in both 2013 and 2015, acknowledging the quality and impact of her research on the service industry.  Prof. Hammedi is also  the co-founder of the Annual conference for early career scholars in the Service field, "AMA - SERVSIG - Let's Talk About Service," and serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of Services Marketing. Prof. Hammedi serves in the editorial boards of several journals and has guest-edited special issues for top journals.

Prof. Hammedi's work continues to push the boundaries of service innovation and marketing, making significant contributions to both academia and industry.

Pietro Zidda

Pietro Zidda is full professor of marketing and management at the University of Namur (UNamur). Since August 2022, he is the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Management.

He is member of the Namur Digital Institute (NaDI) and of the Center for Research on Consumption and Leisure (CeRCLe), both at UNamur and of the Center on Consumers and Marketing Strategy (CCMS), a joint initiative of UCL and UNamur.

He studied business engineering/management sciences at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Mons Campus, FUCaM) and started his academic career as a researcher in retailing in Prof. Bultez' research group, then became ICM-fellow at the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management (Northwestern University, USA). He obtained his doctorate in management from the UCLouvain-Mons and the Intercollegiate Center for Management Science (ICM-CIM), with a dissertation on sampling designs for the calibration on store choice models.

His main research interests concern retail marketing and management in general and more specifically the modeling of consumer choice behaviors, particularly in the field of customer relationship management (e.g., store and brand loyalty) but also in the consumer adoption and evaluation of new technologies (e.g., mobile payment, collaborative platform, interactive recommendation system).

He has published among others in Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, International Journal of Wine Business Research, Tourism Analysis, European Journal of Operational Research as well as in the proceedings of international conferences (Marketing Science, ACR, EMAC, AFM, EIRASS, AWBR, etc.)

He is regularly invited as guest professor by Belgian (Louvain School of Management, UCLouvain) as well as foreign universities/business schools (Kedge Business School, Skema Business School, EM Strasbourg and Iéseg School of Management).

He has been twice head of the business administration department of the University of Namur (2008-2010 & 2015-2018), director of the Center for Research on Consumption and Leisure (CeRCLe) at UNamur, director of the Center on Consumers and Marketing Strategy (CCMS), and member of the executive committee of the Louvain School of Management (UCL), in charge of academic study programs. Recently, he chaired the Council of the Academic Body of UNamur. 

Claire Deventer

Claire Deventer is a lecturer in Data Analytics and Management at the University of Namur. After her studies in data science and marketing, she completed her PhD in collaboration with a software development spin-off from the University of Namur. She is attached to the NaDI-CeRCLe Research Center in Marketing & Service Management within the Namur Digital Institute.

Claire's main research interests focus on the impact of artificial intelligence technology and personalization strategies on customer behavior and experience. Her work includes analyzes on product configuration systems, product recommendation systems, chatbots and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). She has collaborated with several researchers in service and digital marketing, information systems and human-machine interface. Claire also conducted field research with many industrial players.

Her research is published in International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Data & Knowledge Engineering and was presented in several international conferences (SERVSIG, FRONTIERS, EMAC, HICSS, RCIS, RARCS). She won the best paper award at RCIS Conference 2023 and the best student paper award at the International Configuration Workshop 2020.

She served as business developer and researcher in a spin-off company for 4 years and organized the company's presence in major professional events: KIKK festival, Paris Retail Week, Conext, Global Industry, SEPEM, BE. 4.0, Digitalize, VivaTechnology, Hannover Messe.

She was keynote speaker at industrial events such as the IBM Chair in Data Science, Digitalize, Paris Retail Week and BE 4.0. She has also appeared in numerous media such as RTBF, LN24, PUB media. 

Qusay Hamdan

Dr. Qusay Hamdan, Ph.D., is a dedicated researcher with a robust background in Business Economics, specializing in Marketing and Sustainability, with a strong focus on Transformative Service Research (TSR), Service Ethics, Well-being/Well-becoming, Service Inclusion, Vulnerability, and Exploitation. He demonstrates a deep commitment to Interdisciplinary Research.

As a ServCollab officer, he has been engaged in collaborative efforts with Raymond Fisk, the founder of ServCollab, with the objective of enhancing the conceptualization and implementation of ServCollab. His current endeavors encompass several significant TSR research projects aiming to pioneer a “serving humanity paradigm” that includes all humanity. These paradigm projects focus on the newest part of ServCollab's Mission: "To serve humanity through research collaborations that catalyze reducing suffering, improving well-being, and enabling well-becoming." These ongoing research projects introduce conceptual frameworks designed to foster collaborative and ethical service ecosystems and contribute to the well-being and well-becoming of individuals and human society. His research contributions include the conceptualization of service ethics for the complexity of modern service interactions on digital platforms. He examines the direct, indirect, and intended, as well as the unintended, consequences of these interactions on the well-being and well-becoming of non-service customers, such as migrant workers and people experiencing disabilities.

Prior to this appointment, Dr. Hamdan held the positions of researcher and lecturer at Karlstad University's CTF and Vlerick Business School. He obtained his Ph.D. from Gent University, where his research focused on the well-being of business stakeholders as overlooked determinants of favorable outcomes in business-to-business environments. For example, his research demonstrates the relationship between the well-being of the sales force and sales success, as well as the impact of salesforce co-creation efforts. Dr. Hamdan holds a Master's in Business Economics from Uppsala University, Sweden, and an MBA from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. His advanced methodological skills encompass a range of approaches, including qualitative, quantitative, and conceptual techniques. He is proficient in repertory grid interviews, semi-structured interviews, Delphi panels, survey studies, focus groups, and systematic literature reviews. Dr. Hamdan is adept at employing contemporary analytical techniques, including FsQCA (Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis), repertory grid analysis, grounded theory, inter-coder reliability tests, regression analysis, and mediation/moderation tests. He is proficient in the use of a range of analytical tools, including FsQCA, Ideogrid 2.4, SPSS, SPSS Amos, and NVivo.

Dr. Hamdan's research interests continue to evolve in response to the dynamic challenges of the service ecosystem, with the ambition of bridging theories of serving humanity to practice. With a robust academic foundation and extensive practical experience, he endeavors to elevate the human experience through his research. 

Sara Belghiti

Sara Belghiti is an international young researcher in the field of service marketing. She is a PhD researcher from University of Namur and a teaching and research assistant at IESEG School of Management. 

Her main areas of expertise are centered on smart service systems, technology and its relational aspects. Sara Belghiti is also an ESCP business school alumni where she got her Master’s degree with a marketing specialization. 

She has published a book article, communicated in national and international conferences such as the AMA (American Marketing Association) SERVSIG and Frontiers.

Floriane Goosse

Floriane Goosse has a Bachelor's and master’s degrees in management engineering from UCLouvain, specialising in innovation management and an option in marketing from the prestigious Louvain School of Management (LSM).

She is pursuing her PhD at the University of Namur within the NADI-CeRCLe laboratory, a renowned centre for services and marketing research. 

Her research delves into Transformative Service Research (TSR), specifically exploring the inclusion of vulnerable consumers with disabilities in the era of AI-based services.

Her current project investigates how Smart Voice Assistants can empower visually impaired individuals, fostering their well-being and dignity. This research utilizes a unique "strength-based approach" emphasising users' capabilities.

This research is an opportunity for her to have a real and strong impact on society. This dedication was acknowledged at the prestigious SERVSIG 2024 conference, where her research received the "Best Paper Award" – a testament to its potential for positive change.

She is also, with Florence Nizette, the Social Media Coordinator of the Journal of Service Management (JOSM) 

Flamure Ibrahimi

Flamure Ibrahimi holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Engineering specializing in Management of Information from the University of Namur. She also has a Master's degree in Business Engineering specializing in Digital Transformation and Corporate Immersion, she did more specifically her 2 years internship at GSK Wavre where she managed various projects in Digital Transformation and Continuous Improvement, thus having a direct impact on the final patient of GSK’s vaccines worldwide. Ever since she was a little girl, Flamure has always been involved in voluntary work supporting several socially important causes, such as child welfare (Child Focus), migrant inclusion (refugee camps in Serbia), the fight against poverty (Oxfam), supporting various causes and making a social impact in the world are very close to her heart.

Flamure Ibrahimi completed her studies with great distinction, before starting as a Teaching Assistant and Researcher at the University of Namur. She began as a Researcher at the internationally renowned NADI-CeRCLe Research Center in Services and Marketing Management, where she focuses her research on how Blockchain optimizes Services, with a particular focus on Transformative Service Research, aiming to have a great societal impact even with her research.

Florence Nizette

Florence Nizette holds Bachelor's and Master’s degrees in Business Analysis from the University of Namur and spent four months studying at Michigan State University (USA). She has over five years of professional experience in finance (Accenture), brand management (Decathlon), and consulting in the energy sector (DXC Technology). She worked as a Lead Functional Analyst and Service Delivery Consultant for two years in smart meter management for several Belgian distribution grid operators, as well as Atrias, bringing valuable practical experience to her research.

Florence is currently pursuing her PhD at the University of Namur and Hasselt University. Since 2022, she has been a member of the NADI-CeRCLe, Research Center in Service Management and Marketing.

Her research focuses on the impact of AI technologies on consumer trust, decision-making processes, and vulnerability in digital environments, including areas such as explainable AI, transparent AI, and malevolent AI. Her current project explores how Explainable AI can promote AI inclusion among non-expert consumers, particularly in high-credence services like insurance and banking.

Additionally, Florence, alongside Floriane Goosse, serves as the Social Media Coordinator for the Journal of Service Management (JOSM).

Victor Sluyters

Victor Sluyters is a PhD student in Service and Marketing Management at the NADI-CeRCLe (University of Namur). He is conducting his thesis under the supervision of Prof. Hammedi (University of Namur) and Prof. Van Vaerenbergh (KU Leuven). His research focuses on crisis management, marketing-finance interface, and service failures and recoveries.

Victor Sluyters holds a Bachelor's in Business Engineering (Magna Cum Laude) and a Master's in Data Science with a minor in Finance and Information Management (Summa Cum Laude, top of the year). He received several awards over the last years, including the 3rd Prize Belgian Master Thesis Awards (CFA Belgium - 2022-2023) for his Master’s thesis titled "What is the impact of machine learner chartists on exchange rate stability? - Simulations via Heterogeneous Agent Models (HAMs)" and the User Experience Award (Citizens of Wallonia - 2023) for the creation of "Wall'ON", a gesture recognition-based terminal designed to boost citizens inclusion and engagement within the society.”

Julie Masset

Julie Masset is a Lecturer in Service and Marketing Management at the Faculty Economics Management Communication Politics (EMCP) at the University of Namur. She is a member of NADI-CeRCLe (Center for Research on Consumption and Leisure) and of CCMS (Center on Consumers and Marketing Strategy) which she co-directed from 2021 to 2023. 

After completing her master degree in Business Engineering, she started as a teaching and research assistant at the University of Namur. She continued her PhD as an ICM fellow (Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada). She completed her PhD in Economics and Business Administration at the University of Namur and at the Intercollegiate Center for Management Science (ICM-CIM) in 2015. Her thesis explored the processes through which meanings are given to tourist objects and how these meanings evolve through time and space. Taken together, her findings brought a holistic and dynamic perspective to the relationships between consumers and their special possessions. 

She has been invited to teach at different Universities in Belgium (UCLouvain, UMons) and Business Schools in France (EDHEC Business School-Lille, Kedge Business School-Bordeaux).

Her research interests include consumer research, qualitative methods, videography, and leisure and tourism marketing. Her works have appeared in edited books and leading academic journals, including Journal of Business Research, Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management, Leisure Studies.

Associate members

Linda Alkire

Dr. Linda Alkire is an Associate Professor of Marketing and the Brandon Dee Roberts Excellence Endowed Professor at Texas State University, USA. Renowned for her global and sustained research efforts, Dr. Alkire is an internationally recognized thought leader in Transformative Service Research. Her transdisciplinary approach aims to enhance societal well-being by providing transformative insights to service providers.

Dr. Alkire's contributions include over 30 publications in peer-reviewed academic journals, more than 60 conference presentations, and the receipt of over 15 prestigious research awards. Her expertise has led to extended research visits at esteemed universities in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Japan, China, and Belgium among others. Notably, she is the recipient of the 2024 AMA SERVSIG Emerging Scholar Award.

In her editorial roles, Dr. Alkire serves as Editorial Director of the Journal of Service Management and as Associate Editor for the Journal of Services Marketing, Service Industries Journal, and Journal of Social Impact in Business Research. Additionally, she is a member of the American Marketing Association (AMA) Academic Council and will co-chair the 2025 Winter AMA Conference. Dr. Alkire is a member of the ServCollab Advisory Board and the Board of Directors; a non-profit that seeks to serve humanity through collaborative service research.

Dr. Alkire is dedicated to fostering inclusion in academia by supporting researchers and students from emerging countries and early career researchers, reflecting her commitment to cultivating a more inclusive and diverse academic community.

Nadia Steils

Nadia Steils is an Assistant Professor of Digital Marketing at HEC Liège (University of Liège), specialized in consumer empowerment through consumer learning & information, crowdsourcing, and digital marketing. Her research has been published in leading international scientific journals, such as the Journal of Service Research or Journal of Interactive Marketing. She teaches at Bachelor, Master, MBA and Doctorate levels. Previously, she worked at the University of Lille and the University of Namur. 

Professor A. Parasuraman ("Parsu")

Professor A. Parasuraman ("Parsu") is Emeritus Professor of Marketing and James W. McLamore Chair Emeritus at the Miami Herbert Business School, University of Miami (USA). He currently serves as Mentor of the AIM-Parasuraman Center for Service Excellence at the Jagdish Sheth School of Management (JAGSoM) in Bengaluru (India) and Pro-Chancellor (Academics) of Vijaybhoomi University in Karjat (Greater Mumbai, India). He is renowned globally as a leading expert in service quality and customer service. He has authored several books, consulted with many companies, and conducted dozens of executive seminars worldwide. He has published over 130 articles in scholarly journals and has served as editor of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (1997-2000) and the Journal of Service Research (2005-2009).

Professor Parasuraman has received numerous awards for his excellence in teaching and research at Miami Herbert Business School and other institutions. He is also the recipient of major discipline-wide recognitions such as: American Marketing Association’s “Career Contributions to the Services Discipline Award” (1998); Academy of Marketing Science’s “Outstanding Marketing Educator Award” (2001); being named to the Chartered Institute of Marketing (U.K.)’s “Guru Gallery,” profiling the 50 leading marketing thinkers worldwide (2004); IIT-Madras “Distinguished Alumnus Award” (2005); establishment of “The Parasuraman Service Excellence Research Prize,” at the Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University in Dubai to foster scholarly research throughout the Middle East region (2008); Society for Marketing Advances’ “Elsevier Distinguished Scholar” award (2009); Honorary Doctorate from Maastricht University in the Netherlands (2011); Paul D. Converse Award for significant scholarly contributions to marketing (2012); Gil Churchill Award for Lifetime Contributions to Marketing Research (2013); and AMA Higher Ed SIG’s Lifetime Achievement Award (2018). He is also recognized by Clarivate Analytics/Web of Science as one of the Highly Cited Researchers globally for four years in a row (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022) in the “Economics & Business” category.

Thomas Leclercq

Thomas Leclercq is Associate Professor of Marketing at IESEG School of Management and Director of the Marketing and Sales Department. He received his PhD in Economics and Management from UCLouvain in 2017. His research focuses mainly on customer experience and service management. 

Thomas Leclercq's research areas include customer experience and service management. His work on gamification has been published in many leading international journals, including Journal of Service Research, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Marketing Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, and Journal of Business Research.