Information technologies are deeply involved in shaping the contemporary human condition and its social organization. To a certain extent, these technologies are "micro-politics" that endorse, in their concepts and conceptions, moral and political choices affecting our relations with ourselves, with others and with the world. They are both a social construction and a social constraint.

Four scientific axes structure the research.

The first axis aims to produce a social and ethical analysis of information technologies. Information technologies are designed, in their very essence, to make specific practices and behaviors possible - rendering others impossible. Consequently, social and ethical assumptions are necessarily built into these systems. These assumptions are mainly silent and opaque. In keeping with the tradition of the "ethics of disclosure", the research aims to explore these assumptions embedded in the concept and design of information technologies, in order to make them visible and debatable, and thus to foster technological debates. The main areas of research are: surveillance technologies (biometrics, profiling), governance and decision-making (algorithmic governmentality and AI optimization), healthcare (AI, e-health and the redistribution of responsibilities between medical staff, technologies and patients), gender (the body, the gender gap and technologies).

The second thrust aims to encourage collective deliberation around socio-technical systems. Deliberations around socio-technical systems can be seen as taking place in three main arenas: discussions between the users, marketers and engineers who design these systems, negotiations between the users, managers and engineers who deploy these systems, and deliberations between citizens who reflect on the social and technical transformations they are experiencing. NADI has significant experience in deploying a variety of methods to support collective deliberation on the social and ethical values embedded in technical systems. Many areas of research are explored in this axis: surveillance technologies (smart borders and biometric systems), healthcare (mobile health, human prostheses (visually impaired people)), education (biometrics for remote assessment), urban community (smartcity).

The third axis explores the impacts of socio-technical systems on human beings, on their social interactions and organizations, and on their relations to the world. This axis also aims to interrogate technological discourses and imaginaries for their contribution to shaping our realities. The areas of research that feed into this third axis are: the organization of work (flexibility and despatialization), the sharing economy and the remote economy (trust and consumption), the gender balance (technological divide), information and social media (transparency, fake news, validity and verification of information), justice and human judgment (e-justice and robotization), ~ transhumanism and biohacking (bodies, human conditions ~and technologies).

The fourth axis concerns public awareness and capabilities. This involves various scientific activities organized to raise public awareness of ethical issues related to information technologies, such as: media education game "Dans la chaussure d'un algorithme" - ~ Cycle of lessons for the Belgian Academy of Sciences, "Technologies numériques: que devient notre relation sensible au monde" - Cycle de conférences Matins Philo - "Affects numériques". The institutionalization of data ethics commissions in various countries is analyzed, and regulatory texts (Council of Europe, UNESCO, European Union) in this field are examined.


  • Grandjean, N., Loute, A. (2019). Values of attention: ethical, political and epistemological perspectives. Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
  • Grosman, J., Reigeluth, T. (2019). Perspectives on algorithmic normativities: engineers, objects, activities. Big Data \& Society, 6(2), 2053951719858742.
  • Henry, J., Boraita, F., and A.-S. Collard (2020). Developing a Critical Robot Literacy for Young People from Conceptual Metaphors Analysis. Proceedings of Frontiers in Education 2020, Uppsala (Sweden), 21-24th, October 2020.
  • Jacques, J., Grosman, J., Collard, A.-S., Ho, Y., Kim, A. & Jeong, H-S. (2020). In the Shoes of an Algorithm: A Media Education Game to Address Issues Related to Recommendation Algorithms, The Journal of Education, 3(1), p.37-62.
  • Linden, I. (2020). ~Entre rêves et illusions\ldots{}l'Intelligence Artificielle en questions in Revue d'Ethique et de Théologie Morale, 307, 13-27.
  • Lobet-Maris, C., Grandjean, N., De Vos, N., Thiry, F., Pagacz, P., & Pieczynski, S. (2019). Au coeur de la contrainte: quand l'éthique se fait bricolage. Revue française d'éthique appliquée, (1), 72-88.
  • Poullet Y., ed (2020). Vie privée, Liberté d'expression et démocratie dans la société numérique, Cahier du Crids, Larcier, Bruxelles, n°47, 258 p.
  • Poullet, Y., (2020), Ethique et droits de l'homme dans notre société du numérique, Mémoire, Académie royale de Belgique.
  • Rouvroy, A. & Stiegler, B. (2016). The digital regime of truth: from the algorithmic governmentality to a new rule of law. La Deleuziana: Online Journal of Philosophy, 3(1), 6-29.
  • Rouvroy, A. (2018). Mapping as governance in an Age of Autonomic Computing: Technology, Virtuality and Utopia. In. Pol Bargués-Pedreny; David Chandler; Elena Simon (eds.), Mapping and Politics in the Digital Age. London: Routledge,.p. 118-140.
  • Rouvroy, A. (2018). Governing Without Norms: Algorithmic Governmentality, Bogdan Wolf (ed.), Lacanian Politics and the impasses of Democracy Today, Special Issue of Psychoanalytical Notebooks of the London Society of the New Lacanian School, 2018, Issue 32, pp. 99-104.
  • Vanmeerbeek, P. , Lobet-Maris, C., Grandjean, N. (2016), Small talks about privacy: Everyday experience on the web (Vol. 4). Presses universitaires de Namur.


  • INSPEX Integrated Smart Spatial Exploration System (EU-H2020) - (2017 - 2019)
  • IPATCH: Intelligent Piracy Avoidance using Threat detection and Countermeasure Heuristics (H2020) - (2014 - 2017)
  • Algorithmic governmentality: Mise en nombre du réel, gouvernementalités contemporaines et nouvelles fabriques du sujet (PRD FNRS) - (2013 - 2017)
  • Pervasive and UseR Focused BiomeTrics BordEr ProjeCT (EU-H2020) - (2016 - 2019).
  • SEAMPAT: Improving continuity of drug therapy through the development of a drug reconciliation platform promoting active patient participation (RW) - (2014 - 2017)
  • SmartGate (Win2Wal- RW) - (2020 - 2022)
  • TeSLA: An adaptive Trust-Based Assessment System for Learning (EU-H2020) - (2016 - 2018


Claire Lobet