The Department of Biomedical Sciences is offering its students the chance to go abroad during the first semester of their final year of their bachelor's degree. An enriching experience not to be missed!

Erasmus | An exciting adventure

Experiencing such a stay abroad means:

  • Exploring a different environment and learning about a new culture,
  • Expanding your international network by meeting new people,
  • Improving your language skills,
  • Overcoming academic and practical challenges,
  • Strengthening your CV.

A survey revealed that 64% of employers consider international experience a recruitment factor. What's more, 92% of employers are looking for cross-disciplinary skills such as those acquired through mobility (openness, curiosity, problem-solving, decision-making, self-confidence).


Here is the list of our partner Universities: Université de Montpellier - France
- Faculté de Biomed- Université de la Réunion - France
- Faculté de Biomed - Université de Fribourg - Switzerland
Students can suggest additional partnerships to their pedagogical coordinator.

In practice

How to submit your Erasmus application

Via the mobility online link (provided at the 1st meeting - 2nd week of November).


December B2: general information, assets, destinations, conditions, grants, practical details - how to apply? You will be asked to bring a connected tool (computer, tablet, phone, ...) to encode directly on the Erasmus website (Mobility Online).

Deadline 1 : December: have submitted on mobility online

  • Letter of motivation
  • CV
  • Photo ID
  • Language certificate
  • 3 Erasmus destinations in order of preference.

Deadline 2 : February B2: Individual interviews.

These interviews will take place in the presence of the educational coordinator Emilie Faway in the Biomedical Sciences department to discuss the application (motivation, choice of destinations). You will be informed of the date and time of the interview.

Deadline 3: March B2: File analysis.

Communication to students if their application is accepted, and validation by the destination university (or referral to another destination).

Deadline 4 : June B2 : Validation of the stay.

Confirmation of stay, subject to validation of all Bac2 credits.

Deadline 5:September B3: Departure for Erasmus.


The Erasmus scholarship is independent of that of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.


The internship is an essential component of the Master 2 curriculum and is required for all students. It takes place from February to June and can take place in Belgium or abroad, depending on the student's preference.

In practice

The procedure is identical to that for Erasmus planned for Bacheliers!


February Master 1: Student search for an internship location.

An information session is organized to inform students of the procedure, and a non-exhaustive list of internship locations is made available to help them in their choice.

April Master 1: Choice of internship location.

Inform the pedagogical coordinator (Emilie Faway from 2024) whether the internship will be in Belgium or abroad. If the internship will be abroad, the student must register on Mobility Online for scholarship applications.

May Master 1 : Internship supervisor.

Inform the pedagogical coordinator (Emilie Faway) of the internship location, and transmit the contact details of the internship supervisor. The department takes care of the internship agreements and their signature by all parties.

Until December Master 2: Administrative formalities.

The student is responsible for administrative formalities related to his/her internship abroad (passport, VISA, work permit, etc.) and for finding local accommodation. The mobility department is available to answer students' questions and help them with administrative formalities.

February-June Master 2: Completion of the internship.

June Master 2: Submission of the internship report and defense before a jury.


Pedagogical coordinator

Emilie Faway