At NADI-CeRCLe, we strive for academic research excellence, focusing on producing high-impact, peer-reviewed publications that reflect our commitment to quality and scholarly contribution.  Work on  Important, Timely  and Useful  research problems/issues  with high Theoretical, Managerial and Societal relevance.

Our research domains encompass a wide range of topics including:

  • Service Interactions, Relationships, and Delivery Processes
  • Service Technologies
  • Consumption and Identity
  • Sustainable Consumption and New Business Models
  • Service and Ethics
  • Service and Society

These research areas span various service sectors such as Banking, Healthcare, Tourism, Leisure, Retailing, IT,  Insurance among others ...

Moreover, we are actively engaged in the academic community through participation in key conferences in the fields of Marketing and Services. We also organize seminars, conferences, research days, and various academic and professional activities. These initiatives foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the advancement of our field.


Journal Articles














  • Masset, J., & Decrop, A. (2018), "Le festival Tomorrowland: Construction identitaire dans une hétérotopie de déviation", Proceedings of the 34th International Congress of the French Marketing Association.

  • Masset, J., & Decrop, A. (2017). Tomorrowland festival: A heterotopia of deviation (30min). Advances in Consumer Research, 45

  • Decrop A. (2016). Paradoxes in postmodern consumption. Association of Consumer Research (ACR), New Orleans, USA, October 1-3, 2015.

  • Decrop A. (2016). Paradoxes. European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Oslo, Norway, May 24-27, 2016.

  • Decrop A. & Masset J. (2015). A journey inside tourist souvenirs. Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference, Joensuu, Finland, September 8-10, 2015.

  • Decrop, A., & Masset, J. (2014). Journey to the heart of vacation memories. 30th International Conference of the Association Française du Marketing (AFM), Montpellier, France, May, 14-16.

  • Decrop, A., & Masset, J. (2014). Around the world of tourist souvenirs. 45th International Conference of the Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA), Bruges, Belgium, June 18-20.

  • Decrop, A., & Masset, J. (2013). Around the world of tourist souvenirs ( ACR Film Festival, Association for Consumer Research, Chicago, USA, October 3-6.


  • Decrop, A., Correia, A., Fyall, A., & Kozak, M. (2021). Sustainable and Collaborative Tourism in a Digital World. Goodfellow Publishers, Limited.

  • Decrop, A. (2017). La consommation collaborative: Enjeux et défis de la nouvelle société du partage. De Boeck Supérieur.

  • Decrop, A., & Woodside, A. G. (2017). Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality Research. Emerald Group Publishing.

Book Chapters

  • Decrop, A. (2022). Tourist Souvenirs. In Buhalis, D., Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing (pp. 524-526). Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • Decrop, A. & Mallargé, J. (2021). Lessons learned from the Covid-19 crisis for the tourism industry in Belgium. In Callot, P. (Ed.), Tourism post Covid-19: Coping, negotiating, leading change. Vienna: Tourist Research Center Association.

  • Dewitte, M., Mallargé, J., & Decrop, A. (2021). Consumer perception of service quality. The case of Airbnb and Couchsurfing. In Sustainable and Collaborative Tourism in a Digital World. Goodfellow Publishers, Limited.

  • Bigné, E., & Decrop, A. (2019). Paradoxes of Postmodern Tourists and Innovation in Tourism Marketing. In The Future of Tourism (pp. 131-154). Springer, Cham.

  • Decrop, A. (2019). The tourist decision process. In La recherche en Management du Tourisme. Clergeau, C. & Peypoch, N. (eds.), pp. 45-66.

  • Hammedi, W., Leclerq, T. & Poncin I. (2019) "Customer Engagement: The role of Gamification ; In book: Handbook of Research on Customer Engagement Research. Hollbeek,L. & Sprott,D.(EDS), London: Edward Elgar.

  • Mallargé, J., Decrop, A., & Zidda, P. (2019). Revisiting satisfaction with collaborative exchanges in the sharing economy. In Handbook of the Sharing Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • Masset, J., & Decrop, A. (2019). Qualitative data collection techniques. In C. Clergeau, & N. Peypoch (eds.), La recherche en Management du Tourisme (p. 139)

  • Steils, N., & Hanine, S. (2019). Value-Added Crowdsourcing: Digital Catalysts for Creative Contests. In Managing Diversity, Innovation, and Infrastructure in Digital Business (pp. 160-178). IGI Global.

  • Decrop, A., & Masset, J. (2018). Building knowledge from the tourism field: the grounded theory approach. In Handbook of research methods for tourism and hospitality management. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp.136-156.

  • Hanine, S., & Steils, N. (2018). Crowdsourcing: A Double-Edged Sword Outsourcing Strategy. In Positive and Negative Aspects of Outsourcing. IntechOpen.

  • Atadil, H. A., Sirakaya-Turk, E., & Decrop, A. (2017). An assessment of decision-making styles: An abstract. In Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics (pp. 817-818). Springer, Cham.

  • Batat, W., & Hammedi, W. (2017). Collaborative consumption as a feature of Gen-Y consumers: Rethinking youth tourism practices in the sharing economy. In Advances in Social Media for Travel, Tourism and Hospitality (pp. 210-223). Routledge.

  • Decrop, A. (2017). Generation "maybe": Z decision-making and its implications for brands. In: Understanding and seducing generation Z. Batat, W. (Ed.). Paris: Ellipses, 247-266

  • Decrop, A. & Boembeke, V. (2017). The Importance of Quality Labels in Consumers' Preferences. In A. Correia, M. Kozak, J. Gnoth and A. Fyall (Eds.), CoCreation and Well-Being in Tourism. Part of the series Tourism on the Verge, Springer International Publishing, 83-92.

  • Decrop, A. & Masset, J. (2017). A journey inside tourist souvenirs. In A. Correia, M. Kozak, J. Gnoth and A. Fyall (Eds.), Co-Creation and Well-Being in Tourism. Part of the series Tourism on the Verge, Springer International Publishing, 61-66.

  • Hammedi, W. & Virlée, J. (2017). EWOM Engagement: Is it worth to talk only about Posters and Lurkers. In M. Sigala and U. Gretzel (Eds), Advances in Social Media for Travel, Tourism and Hospitality: New Perspectives, Practice and Cases. London and New-York: Routledge.

  • Mallargé, J., Zidda, P. & Decrop, A. (2017). Typology of collaborative practices and profile of collaborative consumers. In A. Decrop (Ed.), La consommation collaborative: Enjeux et défis de la nouvelle société du partage. Louvain-la-Neuve: De Boeck Supérieur.

  • Masset, J. (2017). Intangible cultural heritage and tourism. In: F. Lempereur (Ed.), Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel: Transmission, Documentation, Valorisation, Presses Universitaires de Liège.

  • Decrop, A. & Masset, J. (2016). A journey inside tourist souvenirs. In A. Correira, M. Kozak, J. Gnoth and A. Fyall (Eds.), Co-creation and well-being in tourism, Springer.

  • Decrop, A. & Boembeke, V. (2016). The importance of quality labels in consumers' preferences: An application to the Walloon tourism industry. In A. Correira, M. Kozak, J. Gnoth and A. Fyall (Eds.), Co-creation and well-being in tourism, Springer.

  • Hammedi, W., & Leclercq, T. (2015). Value co-creation, another vision of management. In Lepère,M. (Ed.),Un Nouvel Ordre Digital. Bebooks Editions.

  • Decrop, A. (2014). Theorizing tourist behaviour. In S. McCabe (Ed.), The Rouledge handbook of tourism marketing, 251-267, London and New York: Routledge.

  • Decrop, A., & Masset, J. (2014). A T-Shirt from New York, a coral from Mauritius: A functional typology of tourist souvenirs. In A. G. Woodside, & M. Kozak (Eds.), Tourists' Behaviors and Evaluations (Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Volume 9), 31-39, Bingley, West Yorkshire: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

  • Dessart, F., Andreu, L, Bigné, E., & Decrop, A. (2013). Hey Look, I'm a Green Consumer. Online Social Visibility and the Willingness to Pay for Carbon Offsetting Schemes. In: J. Gnoth, L. Andreu, L. Fyall, M. Kozak, S. Sibila (eds.), Transforming Experiences: Tourism Marketing from both Sides of the Counter, 115-137, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

  • Decrop, A., & Toussaint, S. (2013). The Pere-Lachaise Cemetery: Between Thanatourism and Heterotopic Consumption. In L. White & E. Frew (Eds.), Dark Tourism and Place Identity: Marketing, Managing and Interpreting Dark Places, UK: Routledge-Taylor and Francis Books.

Conference Papers

  • Belghiti, S., Hammedi, H., Leclerq, T., & Henkens, B. (2024). How smartly are we connected? An actor-oriented relational perspective on smart service systems. 13th AMA SERVSIG Conference (Bordeaux, France), June 5-8, 2024.
  • Belghiti, S., Hammedi, H., Leclerq, T., & Henkens, B. (2024). Smarter objects, closer actors? An actor role relational perspective on smart service systems. International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services (CHIMSPAS) (Bielefeld, Germany.), August 29-30, 2024.
  • Goosse, F., Hammedi W., & Mahr D. (2024). Empowering the visually impaired: a Strength-Based Approach to Voice Assistant for Agency & Dignity. 13th AMA SERVSIG Conference (Bordeaux, France), June 5-8, 2024 - Best Paper Award
  • Nizette F., Steils, N., & Toti, J. F. (2024). Manipulative AI: Understanding perceived AI manipulation in recommendation systems. 40th International Congress of the French Association (AFM) (Paris, France), June 5-7, 2024.
  • Nizette, F., Steils, N., Hammedi, W., & Van Riel, A. (2024). Why should I trust you? The role of Explainable AI on AI-based recommendation systems trust and acceptance. 13th AMA SERVSIG Conference (Bordeaux, France), June 5-8, 2024.
  • Belghiti, S., Hammedi, H. & Leclercq, T. (2023), A comprehensive systematic review of service smartness: Relational perspective and future avenues for research. EMAC Annual Conference 2024 (Odense, Denmark), May 23-26, 2024.
  • Belghiti, S., Hammedi, H., Leclercq, T., & Henkens, B. (2023). Connecting through smartness: A relational perspective on smart service systems. Frontiers in Service Conference (Maastricht, Netherlands), June 15-18, 2023.
  • Deventer, C., & Zidda, P. (2023). Adoption of Virtual Agents in Healthcare E-Commerce: A Perceived Value Perspective. In International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (pp.256-271). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland - Best Paper Award
  • Deventer, C., Zidda, P. (2023). Impact of perceived personalization on the evaluation of interactive recommendation systems. Accepted to the FRONTIERS in Service Conference (Maastricht, The Netherland), June 15-18, 2023

  • Nizette, F., Steils, N., Hammedi, W., & Van Riel, A. (2023). Role of Explainable AI on recommendation trust and adoption. Frontiers in Service Conference (Maastricht, The Netherlands), June 15-18, 2023.

  • Pirnay, L., Deventer, C. & Amaral de Sousa, V. (2023). Providing Customer Value through Non-Fungible Tokens: A Preliminary Study. Proceedings of 56th HICSS Conference (Lahaina, Hawaii), 2-6 january 2023

  • Belghiti, S., Hammedi, H., & Leclercq, T. (2022). Smart retailing: Systematic review and future avenues for research. 12th AMA SERVSIG Conference (Glasgow, United Kingdom), June 16-18, 2022.
  • Deventer, C., Zidda, P. (2022). Impact of interactive recommendation systems on consumer shopping behavior. Accepted to the Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Conference (RARCS) (Baveno, Italy), July 23-26, 2022

  • Deventer, C. & Zidda, P. (2022), What is the Perceived Value of Interactive Recommendation Systems and How Does It Influence Customer Behavior? Accepted to the Service Special Interest Group (SERVSIG) Conference, (Glasgow, Scotland), June 16-18, 2022

  • Simonofski, A., Clarinval, A., Zuiderwijk, A., & Hammedi, W. (2022). Let's Gamify Open Government Data Portals! The GamOGD prototype. In L. Hagen, M. Solvak, & S. Hwang (Eds.), Intelligent Technologies, Governments and Citizens: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (DGO2022)(pp. 454-455). (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series).

  • Deventer, C., Zidda, P. & Heymans, P.(2021), CoPSyRI: Design and Performance of Interactive Recommendation Systems. (University of Namur, Namur, Belgium), October 5, 2021

  • Deventer, C., Zidda, P. (2020). Impact of Interactive Recommendation Systems on Shopping Outcomes: the Moderating Role of Trust, Innovativeness and Self-expressiveness. Proceedings of the 11th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional Conference (Online), Sept. 16-19, 2020

  • Leclercq, T., Deventer, C., & Heymans, P. (2020). Do product configurators comply with HCI guidelines: A preliminary study. Proceedings of the 22nd Intl. Workshop on Configuration (Virtual Event), September 10-11th, 2020(best student paper award)

  • Mallargé, J., Zidda, P., & Decrop, A. (2019). Service failures in peer-to-peer accommodation service: Consumer tolerance towards collaborative service quality. In Proceedings of the 8th ATMC conference - Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference

  • Mallargé, J., Zidda, P., & Decrop, A. (2019). Service Failures in the Sharing Economy: Consumer Tolerance Towards Collaborative Service Quality. In Proceedings of the 2019 ACR conference

  • Leclercq, T., Hammedi, W. & Poncin, I. (2017). Gamification, a flawless strategy? The effect of losing a contest in a co-creation community.

  • Leclercq, T., Poncin, I. & Hammedi, W. (2017). Exploration of Engagement Mechanics During Value Cocreation Process: The Case of Gamification in a New Product Development Platform (Extended Abstract). In: P. Rossi (ed.), Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics. Developments in Marketing Science, Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science. Springer, Cham.

  • Bruneau, V., & Zidda, P. (2014). Why should companies care about customer attitudes towards their loyalty program? Proceedings of the 30th International Conference of the Association Française du Marketing (AFM), Montpellier, France, May, 14-16.

  • Bruneau, V., & Zidda, P. (2014). Why do customer attitudes towards loyalty programs matter a lot? Proceedings of the 43rd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Valencia, Spain, June 3-6.

  • den Ambtman, A., & Hammedi, W. (2014). Optimizing portfolio decision-making in service innovation.

  • Dessart, F. (2014). When sex does not sell. Effect of mating motives on the preference for ethical products. Proceedings of the 13th TIBER Symposium on Psychology and Economics, Tilburg, The Netherlands, August 22.

  • Dessart, F. (2014). Strategic preference for ethical products: influence of mating temporal context and recipient of help. Proceedings of Evolutionary Psychology Preconference of the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, USA, Feb. 13.

  • Masset, J., & Decrop, A. (2014). People-things entanglement: An archeological perspective on the relationships between people and things. Proceedings of the 13th Journées normandes des recherches sur la consommation: Société et consommation, Rouen, France, November 27-28.

  • Brandt, C., & Hammedi, W. (2013). Using Brand constellation to segment the market: a goal systemic perspective. Proceedings of the 8th Global Brand Conference of the Academy of Marketing's Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation Special Interest Group, Porto, Portugal, April 3-5.

  • Decrop, A., & Masset, J. (2013). This is a piece of coral received from captain Bob: Meanings and functions of tourist souvenirs. Proceedings of the The 8th Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, June 1-5.

  • den Ambtman, A., van Riel, A.C.R., Hammedi, W., & Lauche, K. (2013). Portfolio decision-making in service innovation: A conceptual framework. Proceedings of the 13th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, Karlstad, Sweden, June 10-13.

  • Steils, N., Crié, D., & Decrop A. (2013). Online consumer learning: An exploratory study of brands' objectives and consumers' perceptions. Proceedings of the European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Barcelona, Spain, July 4-7.

  • Steils, N., Crié, D., & Decrop A. (2013). Consumer learning online: An exploratory study of brand goals and consumer perception. Proceedings of the Étienne Thil Colloquium, Paris, France, October 2-4.

Doctoral Dissertations

  • Deventer, C. (2024), Essays on Customer Adoption, Attitude and Response to Automated Personalized Shopping Advice, under the guidance of Prof.. P. Zidda (UNamur)

  • Bruneau, V. (2017), Assessing the effectiveness of loyalty programs in building engagement and loyalty, under the guidance of Profs. V. Swaen (UCL) & P. Zidda (UNamur)

  • Leclercq, T. (2017), Essays on the engagement mechanisms in the value co-creation process: The case of gamification, under the guidance of Profs. I. Poncin (UCL) & W. Hammedi (UNamur)

  • Steils, N. (2016), Antecedents and Consequences of Online Consumer Learning, under the gudiance of Profs. A. Decrop (Unamur) & D. Crié (University of Lille 1).

  • Dessart F. (2015), Sustainable Consumption: A signaling perspective, under the guidance of Prof. A. Decrop (Unamur).

  • Masset J. (2015), The recontextualization of special possessions in time, space, and the social environment: The case of tourist souvenirs, under the guidance of Prof. A. Decrop (Unamur).

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