We are proud to present the inspiring career paths of our alumni, showcasing the skills and knowledge acquired during the Master in Biomedical Sciences at UNamur! Today, our alumni hold key positions in research, industry, biotechnology and many other health-related sectors. Discover their success stories, their key projects, and their testimonials on the impact of their time with us.

Are you proud of your career path? Have you recently won an award or promotion, published a scientific article in a prestigious journal, actively participated in an international congress, launched your start-up or brought a new product to market? Your career path and professional successes can inspire future generations, share them with us here by filling in the contact form.

Louise Gérard

Master's degree in biomedical sciences with a specialization in preclinical research - Promotion 2018-2019

After 5 years as an assistant at UNamur's Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire du Cancer (LBMC), under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Pierre GILLET, Louise brilliantly defended her PhD thesis, entitled "Investigation of the ABCB5β transporter dimerization status", this June 26, 2024.

Louise Gerard, Alumni du Département des sciences biomédicales