On the program for all

The start of the 2024-2025 academic year will take place on September 16, 2024.

09:30 | Welcome ceremony at the Vauban amphitheater (Bd Frère Orban - 5000 Namur).

11:00 | Back-to-school celebration at Saint-Aubain Cathedral (Place Saint-Aubain - 5000 Namur) then welcome students by the Cercles.

First year bachelor

Monday, September 16

2pm-3pm - VAUBAN auditorium :

  • Welcome from the Dean and Vice-Dean: Pr. Jean-Michel Dogné and Pr. Nathalie Kirschvink
  • Presentation of the various departments of the faculty

Bachelor of Medicine

3pm - VAUBAN auditorium : Information session for students of the 1st Bachelor of Medicine by the Department Head in Medicine, Pr. Grégoire Wieërs.

Bachelor in Pharmaceutical Sciences

3pm - auditorium PA01 (Pedro Arrupe) : Information session for students of the 1st Bachelor in Pharmaceutical Sciences by the pedagogical coordinator in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mr. Romain Siriez.

Bachelor in Biomedical Sciences

3pm - auditorium PA02 (Pedro Arrupe) : Information session for students of the 1st Bachelor in Biomedical Sciences by the Department Director in Biomedical Sciences, Prof. Jean-Pierre Gillet.

Attendance at these sessions is compulsory.

A student guide will be available on the Bureau Virtuel de l'Etudiant (BVE).

From September 17, 2024, classes resume according to a specific timetable (the schedule for the 1st quadrimester will be posted at the valves on September 9).

Practical work (TP/TD) does not start for 2 weeks; schedules and groups will be posted in due course.

Course sales

A course sales schedule will be available on your Virtual Student Office (VSO): bookstores will be open to all at the start of the new school year.