Lignt Science & Applications cover (2022)

Quelques publications récentes

  1. M. Lobet, N. Kinsey, I. Liberal, H. Caglayan, P. A. Huidobro, E. Galiffi, J. R. Mejía-Salazar, G. Palermo, Z. Jacob, N. Maccaferri, "New horizons in near-zero refractive index photonics and hyperbolic metamaterials."  ACS Photonics, 10, 3805–3820 (2023).
  2. H. Li, Z. Zhou, W. Sun, M. Lobet, N. Engheta, I. Liberal, Y. Li, "Direct Observation of Ideal Electromagnetic Fluids", Nat. Com. 13, 4747 (2022).
  3. M. Lobet, I. Liberal, L. Vertchenko, A. Lavrinenko, N. Engheta, E. Mazur, “Momentum considerations inside near-zero index materials”, Light Science and Appl. 11, 110(2022).
  4. M. Lobet, I. Liberal, E. N. Knall, M. Zahirul Alam, O. Reshef, R. W. Boyd, N. Engheta, E. Mazur, “Fundamental Radiative Processes in Near-Zero-Index Media of Various Dimensionalities”, ACS Photonics, 7 (8), 1965-1970 (2020).
  5. I. Liberal, M. Lobet, Y. Li, N. Engheta, “Near-zero index media as electromagnetic ideal fluids”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (39) 24050-24054 (2020).

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