Research in the service of medicine.

Thanks to research in the biomedical field, our life expectancy has increased dramatically. From genetic research to new methods of detecting and treating disease, biomedical sciences are contributing more than ever to medical progress. By studying biomedical sciences, you'll take an interest in the scientific side of disease, so you can diagnose it better, cure it better and become indispensable partners in tomorrow's medicine.

Medecine études

They tell you about biomedical sciences

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J’ai toujours été curieux de comprendre le fonctionnement du corps humain. Que se passe-t-il exactement quand je mange, je respire, je dors, je suis malade… sans pour autant avoir l’intention de soigner. Et puis j’ai toujours été intéressée par les innovations dans le monde de la santé et en biomed, on est souvent à l’origine de ce genre de découverte. 
Etudiant master diplômé
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 J’apprécie l’approche professionnelle de la formation directement liée au monde réel et à ses problématiques. Cette formation spécialisée en biopharmaceutique et thérapeutique m’assure un accès direct aux métiers de l’industrie et me donne la possibilité d’étudier à l’étranger. Nous avons eu l’occasion de visiter plusieurs entreprises dont Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Cardio 3 biosciences, MaSTherCell, Sirris et Cardiatis. Mon mémoire consiste en un nouveau modèle d’expérimentation animale en neurologie. Grâce à cette formation, je vais pouvoir réaliser un de mes plus grands rêves : faire mon stage dans le laboratoire de recherche en neurologie de Harvard. 
Sarah, diplômée
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The long road to a new drug

Medecine études

The strengths of biomedical sciences at the University of Namur

  • A scientific training coupled with plenty of practical work ;
  • A rapid integration into the workplace
    • through visits to companies and hospitals (R&D, production, clinical trials)
    • the completion of a 10-month dissertation in a research laboratory
    • an internship at the end of the second master's degree in the fields of research, production or evaluation of innovative therapies or in the hospital clinical study environment ;
  • An excellent mastery of field English;
  • Achievement of a certificate of experiment master and/or biotechnician in laboratory animal science.

Programs of study

Sciences études

Bachelor of biomedical sciences

Discover the program for the first three bachelor years.

Medecine études

Master 120 in Biomedical Sciences

This master's degree taught in English ensures your expertise in the field of your choice from preclinical research, clinical research or biomedical data management.

Medecine études

Master 60 in Biomedical Sciences

Organized in one year and taught in English, this program provides a solid background in biomedical sciences, particularly in the biopharmaceutical field.

Emotion master

International Master in Translational Cosmetic and Dermatological Sciences (EMOTION)

This double degree from the University of Piemont Oriental (Italy) and the University of Namur or the Miguel Hernández Univerisity (Spain) trains the future generation of scientists and professionals in dermocosmetics and dermatological therapies.


Study info

Rue de Bruxelles, 85 5000 Namur

Faculty of Medicine

Place du Palais de Justice 5000 Namur