Medecine études

Enseigné en anglais, ce master 60 crédits d’une durée d’un an fournit une formation de base en sciences biomédicales, en particulier dans le domaine de la biopharmaceutique. 

Vos objectifs

  • Mener des projets scientifiques visant à mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires et cellulaires des pathologies et à améliorer les traitements : analyser les données, interpréter les résultats et partager les découvertes avec la communauté scientifique mondiale ; 
  • Maîtriser toutes les étapes du développement de nouvelles thérapies, en particulier les thérapies biotechnologiques ou cellulaires ; 
  • Développer des biomarqueurs liés aux différentes thérapies, par exemple en utilisant la génétique et la pharmacogénomique ; 
  • Diriger et contrôler les essais précliniques ou cliniques et être responsables de la gestion administrative des essais ; 
  • Assurer la qualité de la production des produits biotechnologiques et biosimilaires, des thérapies cellulaires (cellules souches), des thérapies géniques, de l’ingénierie tissulaire, des dispositifs médicaux (implants, dispositifs d’administration de médicaments…)… ; 
  • Contrôler la qualité, la sécurité et l’efficacité d’un médicament avant sa mise sur le marché. 
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Admission requirements

Si vous avez un diplôme belge


  • bachelier en sciences biomédicales ;

ACCÈS moyennant un éventuel COMPLÉMENT DE 15 CRÉDITS maximum

  • bachelier en sciences pharmaceutiques, médecine, médecine vétérinaire, sciences biologiques, sciences dentaires, kinésithérapie et réadaptation, sciences de la motricité, sciences chimiques ;
  • master en ingénieur civil en chimie et science des matériaux, sciences de la santé publique, kinésithérapie et réadaptation.


  • bachelier (type court) en sage-femme, infirmier responsable de soins généraux ;
  • bachelier de spécialisation (type court) en anesthésie, soins intensifs et aide médicale urgente.


  • bachelier (type court) en diététique, ergothérapie, soins infirmiers, technologie en imagerie médicale, technologue de laboratoire médical ;
  • bachelier (type court) en chimie orientation biochimie, biotechnologie, chimie appliquée, environnement;
  • bachelier (promotion sociale) en soins infirmiers pour titulaires du brevet d'infirmier hospitalier.


  • autre diplômé de l’enseignement supérieur de la Communauté française de Belgique ;
  • diplômé de l’enseignement supérieur hors Communauté française de Belgique;
  • sur base de VAE (Valorisation des acquis de l'expérience).

Pour les admissions en master, il y a lieu de prendre contact avec le service des inscriptions.

Si vous avez un diplôme non-belge

If you have a degree from an institution outside of Belgium, you will need to complete and return the admissions request form before 30 September (31 March for students from outside the European Union).


Students with a first degree obtained in Belgium


  • Bachelor in Biomedical Sciences.

> ACCESS subject to a maximum of 15 ADDITIONAL CREDITS

  • Bachelor in Pharmacy, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Biology, Dentistry, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Motor Sciences, Chemistry;
  • Master in Chemical and Materials Science Engineering, Public Health, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.


  • Bachelor in Midwife, Nurse Responsible for General Care;
  • Advanced Bachelor in Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Emergency Medical Aid.


  • Bachelor in Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Nursing, Medical Imaging Technologist, Medical Laboratory Technologist;
  • Bachelor in Chemistry orientation Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Applied Chemistry, Environment;
  • Bachelor in Nursing for holders of the certificate of Hospital Nurse.


  • other higher education qualifications obtained in the French Community of Belgium;
  • higher education qualifications obtained outside of the French Community of Belgium;
  • on the basis of VAE (‘Valorisation des acquis de l’expérience’ – recognition of previous experience)

For admission to Masters degrees, please contact the Admission Service.

Students with a first degree obtained outside of Belgium

If you have a degree from an institution outside of Belgium, you will need to complete and return the admissions request form before 30 September (31 March for students from outside the European Union):


The 60-credit Master lasts one year and provides a basic grounding in Biomedical Sciences, in particular in the field of biopharmaceuticals.

International mobility and openness

Students have the opportunity to spend part of their Master studying abroad, within the context of the Erasmus study programme.

Teaching methods

This Master comprises very few lectures.  The emphasis is on interactive learning, via a series of practical and personal projects.

This programme has a particularly professional dimension, with several visits to companies and hospitals, practical projects and a thesis carried out in a laboratory or hospital.

Aims and objectives

  • To lead scientific projects which aim for greater understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of pathologies and to improve treatment: to analyse raw data, interpret the results and present observations clearly;
  • To master every stage of the development of new therapies, in particular biotechnology- or cell-related therapies;
  • To develop biomarkers related to different therapies, for example using genetics and pharmacogenomics;
  • To lead and monitor preclinical or clinical trials and to be responsible for the administrative management of testing;
  • To ensure the production quality of biotechnological and biosimilar products, cell therapies (stem cells), gene therapies, tissue engineering, medical devices (implants, drug delivery devices, etc.) and so on;
  • To monitor the quality, safety and efficiency of a drug before it is placed on the market.


In January, students take exams based on the subjects studied during the first semester.  In June, students take exams based on the subjects studied in the second semester.

For some subjects, there are regular evaluations based on reports submitted after each session of practical projects.  Marks awarded for these practical projects represent a significant percentage of the final marks.

Career opportunities in biomedical sciences

The biomedical sciences can lead to many different careers, mainly in research, whether basic or applied. This research is carried out in universities, teaching hospitals, government agencies (e.g. public health institutes, drug and health product agencies, health policy organizations...) and in laboratories in the biopharmaceutical, biotechnology, nutrition, cosmetics and medical equipment sectors.

Fundamental biomedical research aims to understand, through an experimental approach, how the human being functions at the level of cells and molecules. Its findings may one day lead to clinical applications.

Applied biomedical research puts advances in basic research into practice. Its aim is to improve the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. For example, it may aim to design new vaccines or diagnostic tests. It also opens the way to careers in the pharmaceutical or cosmetics industries.

Clinical research management involves setting up and coordinating clinical trials in hospitals, clinical research organizations and the biopharmaceutical industry, and can lead to the following careers:

  • clinical trials assistant: assists investigating physicians in conducting clinical trials;
  • clinical project manager: executes the clinical trial development plan, in compliance with regulations and deadlines;
  • clinical research associate: sets up and monitors clinical trials for a particular project, while ensuring the quality of data collected in compliance with regulations;
  • data manager: manages the processing of data obtained as part of the clinical trial.

In addition to research, the clinical sector offers a wide range of other careers: toxicology, nutrition, clinical biology, bioengineering, medical imaging, etc., as well as medical data management.

Biomedical sciences can also lead to many other opportunities in the fields of research and development, production, quality assurance and control, regulatory affairs, intellectual property, consultancy, medical representation, teaching...

Finally, the Master's degree in Biomedical Sciences enables you to continue your studies at postgraduate level (Doctorate) or take an inter-university certificate in Regulatory Affairs for Health Products, offered jointly by UNamur and ULiège.