Bernard Masereel
Research institutes
Research center
Domains of expertise
Medicinal Chemistry - Organic synthesis - Pharmacology - Drug analysis
External responsibilities
Member of the College of Experts of the Société Scientifique des Pharmaciens Francophones
Member of the Belgian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Member of the Medicinal Chemistry Board of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Member of the Belgian Society for Fundamental and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology
Member and Advisor to the Board of the Société de Chimie Thérapeutique (France)
Member of the American Chemical Society (USA)
Regional Editor of Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Current Medicinal Chemistry
Pharmacist (1987) - Industrial Pharmacist (1988) - Master in Drug Design (1991) - Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences (1993)
Boehringer Ingelheim Prize for Basic Research in Thrombosis and Hemostasis (2001)
Prix Galien (1994)
Prix de la Société de Chimie Thérapeutique (1993)
Knight of the Order of the Crown
Biopharmaceuticals [MSBMM106]
Biochimie générale [MPHAB202]
Introduction aux sciences pharmaceutiques [MPHAB100]
Gestion en officine [MPHAM124]
Pharmacothérapie et complément de pharmacologie [MPHAM116]
Biopharmaceuticals [MSBMM106]
Biochimie générale [MPHAB202]
Introduction aux sciences pharmaceutiques [MPHAB100]
Gestion en officine [MPHAM124]
Pharmacothérapie et complément de pharmacologie [MPHAM116]
Biopharmaceuticals [MSBMM106]
Biochimie générale [MPHAB202]
Introduction aux sciences pharmaceutiques [MPHAB100]
Gestion en officine [MPHAM124]
Pharmacothérapie et complément de pharmacologie [MPHAM116]
Biopharmaceuticals [MSBMM106]