General biochemistry
- UE code MPHAB202
45Quarter 1
- ECTS Credits 5
- Teacher Masereel Bernard
At the end of the course, students should be able to recognise the various basic biomolecules and analyse their physico-chemical and biological properties. They should also be able to understand the biotransformation processes of these different biomolecules and their energy contribution (or consumption).
The student must know the structure and different properties of the various biomolecules and understand the basic metabolism of a healthy human cell and its energetic impact.
The course is divided into two main parts, the first of which is devoted to the description and properties of the various basic biomolecules, while the second is devoted to basic metabolism and energy variations.
PART ONE: Structures and functions of biomolecules
Chapter I Amino acids
1 General structure
2 Structure of proteinogenic amino acids
2.1 Non-ionised amino acids at physiological pH
2.2 Amino acids ionised at physiological pH
3 Non-proteinogenic amino acids
4 Ionisation of amino acids
5 Isoelectric point of an amino acid (pI)
5.1 Isoelectric point of a neutral amino acid
5.2 Isoelectric point of an acidic amino acid
5.3 Isoelectric point of a basic amino acid
6 Stereochemistry of amino acids
6.1 Fisher configuration : L/D
6.2 Absolute configuration: R/S
7 Separation and identification of amino acids
7.1 Separation of amino acids
7.2 Amino acid revelation
Chapter II Peptides and proteins
1 The role of peptides and proteins
2 Primary structure of proteins
3 Protein sequence determination
3.1 Total hydrolysis
3.2 Chemical sequencing
3.3 Enzymatic sequencing
3.4 Example of sequence determination
4 Chemical synthesis of peptides
5 Secondary structure of proteins
5.1 The pleated sheet ß
5.2 The helical structure æ
5.3 Right helix / left helix
5.4 Super-secondary structures
6 Tertiary structure of proteins
7 Quaternary structure of proteins
8 Physico-chemical properties of proteins
8.1 Ionisation (pKa)
8.2 Isoelectric point (pI)
8.3 Transconformation and denaturation of proteins
9 Isolation and separation on the basis of physico-chemical properties
9.1 Isolation of cell fractions
9.2 Isolation and fractionation based on molecular weight
9.3 Isolation based on solubility
10 Separation based on the electrical charge of proteins
10.1 Zone electrophoresis
10.2 PAGE electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel
10.3 SDS-PAGE electrophoresis
10.4 Western-blot
11 Protein assays
12 Protein classification
12.1 Classification according to composition
12.2 Classification according to biological function
13 Study of some biologically active peptides
13.1 TRH
13.2 Glutathione
13.3 Aspartame
13.4 Oxytocin and vasopressin
13.5 Insulin and glucagon
13.6 Antibiotic peptides
14 Study of some proteins
14.1 Keratin æ
14.2 Collagen
14.3 Haemoglobin, the Bohr effect and sickle cell anaemia
14.4 Immunoglobulins
Chapter III Enzymes
1 Introduction
2 Properties and characteristics of enzymes
2.1 Chemical nature of enzymes
2.2 Co-factors or co-enzymes
2.3 Efficacy of enzymes
2.4 Specificity
2.5 Stability
2.6 Active centre
3 Nomenclature & classification
4 Enzymatic kinetics
4.1 Reaction rates
4.2 Michaelis & Menten theory
4.3 Lineweaver-Burk representation
4.4 Representation according to Eadie-Hofstee
4.5 Representation according to Hanes
5 Enzyme inhibition
5.1 Competitive inhibition
5.2 Non-competitive inhibition
5.3 Incompetitive inhibition
5.4 Representation of inhibition according to the Eadie-Hofstee and Hanes equations
6 Factors modifying kinetics
6.1 pH
6.2 Temperature
7 Practical example
7.1 Determination of Km and Vmax
7.2 Determination of [ES]
8 Enzyme activity
9 Enzyme specificity
10 Study of functional groups essential for catalysis
11 Examples of enzymatic mechanisms
11.1 Acid-base catalysis
11.2 Metallic catalysis
11.3 Covalent Catalysis
Chapter IV Carbohydrates
1 General information
2 Classification
2.1 Bones
2.2 Modified Oses
2.3 Osides
2.4 Sugars characteristic of blood groups
Chapter V Lipids
1 Definition
2 Classification
2.1 Simple lipids
2.2 Complex lipids
3 Amphiphilic nature
4 Lipoproteins
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The lipid component
4.3 The protein component
Chapter VI Bioenergetics & cofactors
1 Basics of thermodynamics
1.1 Enthalpy
1.2 Free energy
1.3 Free energy variation
1.4 Standard free energy variation (∆G°)
1.5 Physiological standard free energy variation (∆GP )
2 Oxidation-reduction reactions
2.1 Standard redox potential :
2.2 Oxidation-reduction potential of a reaction (∆E)
2.3 Oxidation-reduction potential and pH
2.4 Reference oxidant in biochemistry
2.5 Relationship between ∆G and ∆E
3 Key metabolic reactions
3.1 Introduction
3.2 ∆G of a transfer reaction :
4 Electron transfer
4.1 Definition of electron transfer
4.2 Free energy variation and redox potential
5 Electron transporters
5.1 Pyridine nucleotides
5.2 Flavoproteins
5.3 Lipoic acid
5.4 Quinones
5.5 Haemoproteins
6 Group transfer
6.1 Definition of group transfer
6.2 Group transfer free energy
6.3 The main group transporters
PART TWO: Metabolism
Chapter VII Digestion and Metabolism of Carbohydrates
1 Organisation of metabolism
2 Digestion and metabolism
3 Glucose uptake
4 Glycolysis
4.1 Synthesis of glucopyranose-6-phosphate
4.1 Synthesis of fructofuranose-6-phosphate
4.3 Synthesis of fructofuranose-1,6-bisphosphate
4.4 Triose Phosphate Synthesis
4.5 Triose Phosphate Interconversion
4.6 Synthesis of 1,3-Bisphosphoglycerate
4.7 Synthesis of 3-Phosphoglycerate
4.8 Synthesis of 2-phosphoglycerate
4.9 Phosphoenolpyruvate Synthesis
4.10 Pyruvate Synthesis
5 Incorporation of other sugars into glycolysis
5.1 Fructose
5.2 Galactose
5.3 Balance of glycolysis
6 Alcoholic fermentation
7 Lactic acid fermentation
8 The Krebs cycle
8.1 History of the Krebs cycle
8.2 The Krebs cycle
8.3 Synthesis of acetyl-CoA
8.4 Regulation of acetyl-CoA synthesis
8.5 Citrate synthesis
8.6 Isocitrate Synthesis
8.7 Synthesis of α-ketoglutarate
8.8 Synthesis of Succinyl-CoA
8.9 Synthesis of Succinate
8.10 Synthesis of Fumarate
8.11 Synthesis of L-Malate
8.12 Oxaloacetate Synthesis
Chapter VIII Oxidative Phosphorylation
1 Introduction
2 Transport of NADH to the mitochondrial matrix
2.1 Malate/aspartate shuttle
2.2 DHAP/glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle
3 Electron transport
3.1 Complex I
3.2 Complex II
3.3 Complex III
3.4 Complex IV
3.5 Chemosmotic theory
3.6 Complex V
4 Summary of glycolysis, the Krebs cyle and oxidative phosphorylation
Chapter IX Glycogen Metabolism
1 Assimilation of exogenous glycogen
2 Metabolism of endogenous glycogen
2.1 Glycogenolysis
2.2 Glycogen synthesis
3 Regulation of glycogen metabolism
Chapter X Sugar Anabolism
1 Neoglucogenesis
1.1 Neoglucogenesis from lactate
1.2 Neoglucogenesis from glycerol
1.3 Neoglucogenesis from amino acids
2 The pentose phosphate pathway
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The irreversible oxidative segment
2.3 The non-oxidative segment
Chapter XI Lipid Metabolism
1 Lipid digestion
2 Oxidation of fatty acids
2.1 Activation of fatty acids
2.2 Transport of acyl-CoA
2.3 ß-oxidation of acyl-CoA
2.4 Energy balance of fatty acid oxidation
2.5 Oxidation of fatty acids with an odd number of carbon atoms
2.6 Oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids
3 Ketone bodies
4 The synthesis of fatty acids
5 Glyceride and phospholipid synthesis
6 The synthesis of icosanoids
6.1 Cyclooxygenases
6.2 Eicosanoids
7 Cholesterol synthesis
Chapter XII Protein and amino acid catabolism
1 Introduction
2 Proteolysis
3 Amino acid catabolism
3.1 Deamination of asparagine and glutamine
3.2 Transamination of other amino acids and formation of æ-ketoacid
3.3 Conversion of æ-ketoacids
3.4 Oxidative deamination
4 The urea cycle
4.1 Synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate
4.2 Citrulline Synthesis
4.3 Synthesis of Argininosuccinate
4.4 Arginine Synthesis
4.5 Urea Synthesis
Chapter XIII Vitamins
1 General information
2 Water-soluble vitamins
3 Fat-soluble vitamins
None, but MPHAB203 practical work is an important corequisite which illustrates the general biochemistry course.
The lecture is given by means of a powerpoint projection, combining text and diagrams to varying degrees, as well as using the blackboard. All the projected slides are available on the Webcampus platform.
The evaluation is carried out with the help of an oral or written review
- Course slides
- Course notes
- The book "Traité de Biochimie" by Rawn, published by De Boeck Université. ISBN : 9782807307247
- The book " Biochimie Humaine " by F. Horn, G. Lindenmeier, C. Grillhösl, I. Moc, S. Berghold N. Schneider & B. Münster published by the Médecine-Sciences department of Flammarion. ISBN: 2-257-11764-6. This book is also the reference book used in the Human Biochemistry course of the 3rd baccalaureate in pharmaceutical sciences.
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Bachelor in Pharmacy | Standard | 0 | 5 | |
Bachelor in Biomedical Sciences | Standard | 0 | 5 | |
Bachelor in Pharmacy | Standard | 2 | 5 |