Learning outcomes

At the end of their training in pharmaceutical sciences, students will be able to: 
- Be able to define a precise question and identify its scope;
- Organise their individual approach in order to formulate a concrete response to this question or to provide the elements needed for the response;
- Explain in writing and orally the problem, the scientific data collected to answer it and summarise the results of their thinking;
- Use his/her specialist knowledge of pharmaceutical sciences;
- Apply a scientific approach and develop a critical mind;
- Master and use the tools and sources of relevant information with discernment;
- Provide a well-argued response that is useful for professional practice.


The pharmacy dissertation represents :
the fruit of a critical analysis of recent literature, supported by any observations made
an individual work of reflection and synthesis on a given subject, in relation to the pharmaceutical world  
a properly done piece of work is not a simple compilation of points of view, articles, research or a summary, but a text developing a critical argument based on a specific relevant question.


Finalité Spécialisée : A bibliographical dissertation :
-related to an issue of scientific, social or economic interest, etc.
-related to the elective (integration of experimental or clinical data)
-related to one or more clinical cases encountered during the pharmacy or hospital placement".

Finalité Approfondie: An experimental research dissertation:
-related to the research question
-related to my research placement 
*related to the experimental research course I and II.

Table of contents

1. Choose a subject and a sponsor
2. Lay the groundwork
* Make 3 slides
* Draft 3 pages
3. Develop the subject
* Drafting the pre-dissertation and presentation
4. Submit a written document and defend it orally

Teaching methods

Information session in September
Personal work over 2 years

Assessment method

Oral presentation of the work on the basis of a powerpoint in front of a Jury composed of academics from UNamur and UCLouvain departments and a reader.

Students may submit their dissertation outside the term-time periods of the current academic year.  In the event of failure, signature or failure to obtain the imprimatur, the presentation will automatically be postponed until the August term.

Sources, references and any support material

Presentation given at the start of Master 1
Imprimatur to be signed by the promoter
Final evaluation grid (Reader)
Mid-term and final evaluation grid (Promoter)
Cover sheet
Guide for entering references (bibliography)
Link to download EndNote (bibliographic management software)
Anti-plagiarism certificate
Award-winning dissertations
Titles of dissertations defended in previous years (+ promoters)
-Forum and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
-Methodological aids

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Master in Pharmacy, Research focus Standard 0 18
Master in Pharmacy, Professional focus Standard 0 18
Master in Pharmacy, Professional focus Standard 2 18
Master in Pharmacy, Research focus Standard 2 18