End of cycle work - thesis
- UE code MPHAM214
- ECTS Credits 18
At the end of their training in pharmaceutical sciences, students will be able to:
- Be able to define a precise question and identify its scope;
- Organise their individual approach in order to formulate a concrete response to this question or to provide the elements needed for the response;
- Explain in writing and orally the problem, the scientific data collected to answer it and summarise the results of their thinking;
- Use his/her specialist knowledge of pharmaceutical sciences;
- Apply a scientific approach and develop a critical mind;
- Master and use the tools and sources of relevant information with discernment;
- Provide a well-argued response that is useful for professional practice.
The pharmacy dissertation represents :
the fruit of a critical analysis of recent literature, supported by any observations made
an individual work of reflection and synthesis on a given subject, in relation to the pharmaceutical world
a properly done piece of work is not a simple compilation of points of view, articles, research or a summary, but a text developing a critical argument based on a specific relevant question.
Finalité Spécialisée : A bibliographical dissertation :
-related to an issue of scientific, social or economic interest, etc.
-related to the elective (integration of experimental or clinical data)
-related to one or more clinical cases encountered during the pharmacy or hospital placement".
Finalité Approfondie: An experimental research dissertation:
-related to the research question
-related to my research placement
*related to the experimental research course I and II.
Oral presentation of the work on the basis of a powerpoint in front of a Jury composed of academics from UNamur and UCLouvain departments and a reader.
Presentation given at the start of Master 1
Imprimatur to be signed by the promoter
Final evaluation grid (Reader)
Mid-term and final evaluation grid (Promoter)
Cover sheet
Guide for entering references (bibliography)
Link to download EndNote (bibliographic management software)
Anti-plagiarism certificate
Award-winning dissertations
Titles of dissertations defended in previous years (+ promoters)
-Forum and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
-Methodological aids
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Master in Pharmacy, Research focus | Standard | 0 | 18 | |
Master in Pharmacy, Professional focus | Standard | 0 | 18 | |
Master in Pharmacy, Professional focus | Standard | 2 | 18 | |
Master in Pharmacy, Research focus | Standard | 2 | 18 |