Universities and Hautes Écoles are real breeding grounds in terms of research and innovation: convinced of their mission to serve the community, they have created knowledge transfer advisors. ADRE's advisors are on hand to provide researchers with support in a number of areas.

Protection of intellectual property (IP)

No matter how advanced your project is, IP helps protect the results of research. It is essential to determine which IP rights will be made available to the other partners to carry out the project.

Documents are at your disposal:

  • IP regulations (internal document)
  • IP protection manual
  • Researcher's interactive memo and sheets

Contractual support and legal helpdesk in research and innovation

The University's research and innovation missions raise numerous legal issues relating to intellectual property. The legal unit is at your disposal to work with you to find the best way to carry out these missions and help you navigate through the legal arcana of research and innovation, as well as guaranteeing a serene environment for the institution.

Technology and knowledge transfer

ADRE can help you find applications and partners, and assess the economic prospects of your inventions and innovations. From licensing or assignment of rights to market research and business plans, ADRE is with you every step of the way.

Valorization partners

The valorization of a research project is a process that goes from the institution to society. The University of Namur collaborates with various partners to support developing projects.