Cross-disciplinary training and awareness-raising activities are organized throughout the academic year. They are aimed at researchers, promoters, academics and project managers or any member of the community interested in the theme.

ADRE lunchtimes

Organized throughout the academic year, Midis de l'ADRE take place from 12:45 to 2pm at Salle NARC, rue de Bruxelles, 55.


Early OctoberWelcome of new academics and scientists
MidOctoberIntroduction to intellectual property
Early NovemberThe doctoral pathway (for doctoral students)
Mid-NovemberThe doctoral pathway (for promoters and companions)
Early DecemberTechnology transfer: processes and tools
Mid-JanuaryValuing research results through an entrepreneurial approach
Mid-FebruaryPatents in the life sciences
To be definedR&D funding: who to contact?


Certificates of attendance can be obtained on request: 0.25 ECTS

More info