Learning, guiding, collaborating, helping future generations become agents of change... Being a teacher is exciting! In order to adapt to changes in the profession, from 2023 onwards, training will be completely rethought.

It is now organized around:

  • the ages and needs of students
  • the skills teachers need to acquire today as the profession evolves
  • the Pact for Teaching Excellence.

Thanks to the close collaboration between Universities and Hautes Écoles, the reform of initial teacher training enables the acquisition of university-level skills while reinforcing professional practice.

What is RFIE?


Don't say "primary school student" or "regendat" any more...

Teacher training is now split into 5 sections, covering the following students:

  • Section 1: reception class to primary 2
  • Section 2: kindergarten to primary 6
  • Section 3: primary 5 to secondary 3
  • Section 4 or 5: secondary 4 to 6
Sections de la RFIE

For sections 1 to 3 (reception to Secondary 3) :

From 2023, for sections 1 to 3, teacher training will be extended to 4 years. This will enable all future graduates to follow a course in which practice is the common thread.

Concretely, here's what's changing:
  • 4-year training (Bachelor + Master 60 credits)
  • Codiplomation of the Hautes Écoles with one or more Universities
  • Diagnostic test of French language proficiency (optional)
  • Possibility of continuing with a Master of Specialization (optional)

En savoir plus.

RFIE sections 1 à3

Training organization for sections 4 and 5

From 2025, for sections 4 and 5, teacher training becomes a "master in teaching" in 120 credits after a disciplinary bachelor's degree or in 60 credits after a disciplinary master's degree.

Concretely, here's what's changing:
  • Reinforced training in teaching
  • Codiplomation with one or more Hautes Écoles
  • More practice throughout the training
  • Diagnostic test of mastery of the French language (compulsory)
  • Possibility of to continue with a specialization Master's degree (optional)

The master in teaching section 4 is a master 120 credits of which 80 to 100 credits are devoted to teacher training. It replaces the current didactic master's degree, which includes 30 credits of teacher training.

Bachelier disciplinaire (180 credits) + Master en enseignement (120 credits)

The master en enseignement section 5 is a master 60 credits that replaces the current agrégation of 30 credits

Bachelier disciplinaire + Master disciplinaire (240 or 300 credits) + Master en enseignement (60 credits)

En savoir plus.

The programs will be organized as a codiplomation between Universities and Hautes Écoles with the following breakdown:

RFIE sections 4 et 5

Teaching Together

Partenaires RFIE