On the program for all

The start of the 2024-2025 academic year will take place on September 16, 2024.

09:30 | Welcome ceremony at the Vauban amphitheater (Bd Frère Orban - 5000 Namur).

11:00 | Back-to-school celebration at Saint-Aubain Cathedral (Place Saint-Aubain - 5000 Namur) then welcome students by the Cercles.

MSFE (Master of Specialization in Teacher Training)

Tuesday, September 17

Welcome session: 6:10pm to 8:30pm, room S06 (RDC), 2 rue Joseph Grafé, Namur.

All those interested in the program, in the process of registering or already registered are welcome to attend.

The MSFE is a 60-credit program, offered on a staggered schedule, mainly on Tuesdays and Thursdays (in the evening) and Saturdays all day.

This master's degree of specialization is aimed in particular at future (or current) instructors at Hautes Écoles and Écoles Supérieures des Arts, in charge of UEs linked to didactics, pedagogy and training to and through practice in the master's programs in teaching sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, who will need to have this diploma within six years of first appointment to a position for which this master's degree is required.

It will also be of interest, as part of their professional development, to all teacher trainers in continuing education, whether they carry out their duties within inter-network or network continuing education organizations, or as freelancers.

All information on the program

Schedule: available at https://horaires.unamur.be, Student/Faculty of Education/MSFE tab

Contact : gaelle.chapelle@unamur.be and secretariat.fasef@unamur.be



Tuesday, September 17

Welcome session: 6:10pm to 8:30pm, local BN01, 2 rue du rempart de la Vierge, Namur.

The CAPAES is organized in staggered hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays (in the evening).

The CAPAES is intended only for teachers working in a haute-école or in social promotion higher education for whom obtaining a pedagogical title appropriate to higher education is a necessity.

All information on the program

Schedule: available at https://horaires.unamur.be, Student/Faculty of Education/CAPAES tab

Contact : gaelle.chapelle@unamur.be and secretariat.fasef@unamur.be
