During the academic year, the Cellule interfacultaire d'appui pédagogique (CIAP) team offers 3 types of group support to develop effective working method strategies.

Methodology Lunch Break

The team presents in a large audience relevant work strategies to develop at four key times of the year.

  • Late September - Midi méthodologique 1 - What to do, when and how? (or how to manage Q1 well?): this session gives students a clearer picture of what they need to do, when and how to set up their working method. The CIAP team suggests milestones/techniques for planning weeks right from the start of the term. The "sous-main" tool is distributed free of charge to students as a planning tool.
  • Late November - Midi méthodologique 2 - How to manage the Christmas blockade and the January term? : this session gives students key elements to answer the questions they ask themselves "How to work and manage your time to be able to deal with all your subjects?" or "How to manage the January exam session?". The "Survival Kit" tool is distributed to students to enable them to live through a blockade, as serenely as possible!
  • Early February - Midi méthodologique 3 - How to bounce back from the January results? : If students are disappointed with their January results, the important thing is to be able to understand what went wrong (during study, during exams, etc.). Indeed, it's what each student learns from their difficulties that will enable them to bounce back in Q2, and that's the aim of this session. The CIAP team gives students the keys to accurately analyze their difficulties in the various courses, and then to think about adapting their learning methods to succeed.
  • Late March - Midi méthodologique 4 - How to manage the Easter pre-block and the June session: this final Midi méthodologique enables students to anticipate the organization of the end of the academic year. In particular, you'll be invited to think about what work you need to put in during the Easter pre-block so you can have a serene session. Issues of time management and anticipating teachers' expectations at assessments will be addressed.

More information about "Midis méthodos" on the course page SPU-METHODO on Webcampus. Simply registering for the course gives you access to its content, including the content of previous Midis!

Methodology workshops

The team invites students to concretely implement the strategies explained during the midi méthodo:

  • make their own list of things to do each week and then plan them (early October)
  • make their own schedule for blockocus and the January session (early December)
  • analyze their own January results (early February)
  • make their own list of things to do during the Easter pre-blocus and May blockocus and then plan them (early April)

Methodology workshops for EBS

  • Late September - EBS Methodology Workshop 1: Amanote: a tool to facilitate digital note-taking
  • Early October - EBS Methodology Workshop 2: this session enables students to concretely carry out a planning to manage their time. This schedule will be tested for a week, and feedback on the exercise will be provided during the EBS 3 methodology workshop.
  • Late October - EBS 3 methodology workshop: this session will therefore aim to rcome back on the schedules made and on the difficulties encountered by students. Avenues will be opened up for readjusting the way you manage your time and finding a pace suited to each individual and to university expectations.
  • Early February - Methodo workshop 4 EBS: this session will aim to carry out an individual review of the exam session and to open up concrete avenues for improving your work methodology for Q2.
  • Late February - EBS Methodology Workshop 5: this session is similar to EBS Methodology Workshop 2.
  • Early March - EBS Methodology Workshop 3: this session is similar to EBS Methodology Workshop 3.