Welcome to the page dedicated to sustainable development and transition education at UNamur! Our educational unit is committed to promoting an innovative educational approach, integrating the crucial issues of sustainable development into every facet of our teaching.

Our vision

At UNamur, we believe in education as a catalyst for change. Our vision is to train responsible citizens, aware of environmental and social challenges, capable of actively contributing to building a sustainable future.

Pedagogical approach

In the coaching we offer, we emphasize a dynamic and participatory approach, focusing on experiential learning, interdisciplinary collaboration and solving concrete problems related to sustainable development.

Soon, our "Mission Possible" training program will integrate a specific module focusing on the skills essential to the transition to a more sustainable way of life and the integration of this theme into courses/TP/TD.



Stay informed about our upcoming events, dedicated to discussion and the development of new pedagogical strategies to integrate the principles of sustainable development even more effectively into our programs.

Contact us

Do you have any ideas, suggestions or simply want to contribute to this exciting initiative? Please do not hesitate to contact us. Education for Sustainable Development and Transition at the University of Namur is a collective undertaking, and your involvement is invaluable.

Join us!"