Teachers and researchers at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters contribute to developing the cultural dynamism of the Cité. Through cultural activities, publications and training courses, but also through interventions on request, their work is regularly embedded in the economic and social context of civil society.

Various contributions

Some examples of the contributions offered by the Namur Faculty to the cultural development of the environment in which the university is embedded (the Region, Belgium, Europe):


  • Enjeux: journal of continuing education and didactics of French
  • Dyptique: collection of books on didactics of French, Diptyque takes stock, in each of its books, of a precise question of literature or linguistics.
  • Les Études classiques: quarterly journal of research and teaching

Continuing education

The CEDOCEF (Centre d'études et de documentation pour l'enseignement du français) develops research and continuing education activities in French didactics.

The faculty also offers the following certificates:

  • University Certificate in Philosophy
  • Certificate in Sign Language of French-speaking Belgium and French: teaching, bilingualism and interpreting practice by the deaf
  • Certificate in School Language and Differentiation


  • Department libraries: history, French and Romance languages and literatures, Dutch unit, archaeology and art sciences
  • CDRR: library of the Center for Religious Documentation and Research (philosophies and religions), holdings managed by the BUMP

Alumni associations