Discover, taste, savor the Dutch language, culture and literature through our didactic activities and trips.

Didactic activities

Here are a few didactic activities (in Namur and elsewhere), which are part of the Dutch program:

  • film screenings integrated into courses
  • annual visit to VRT (including watching a program), which serves as a basis for students to produce their own newscast
  • "Bab(b)elade"E-tandems between French students from UUtrecht and Dutch students from UNamur (2nd year), including a meeting in Utrecht and Namur
  • visit to the musée "fin de siècle" (Brussels)
  • theatrical productions for or by the students
  • discovery of literature at the opera
  • meeting with authors, directors on stage ...

Some activities vary according to what's on offer at the time and the opportunities that arise.

Educational tours

Always eagerly awaited and appreciated, didactic trips are an integral part of our Dutch program:

  • Block 2: aday trip to Flanders or the Netherlands (Antwerpen, Gent, Leuven, Maastricht), which includes data collection as part of the introduction to scientific research, but includes many other cultural visits and discoveries.
  • Block 3: several-day stay in Friesland as part of the "Language and Society" course to discover the multilingualism and literature of this northern Dutch province (see report from a former student).
  • Bloc 2/3: every two years 4-day cultural trip to the Netherlands (Rotterdam, Den Haag, Utrecht) to discover the great classics (Vermeer, Rembrandt, Breughel, ...) but also more contemporary painters, graphic artists and photographers, not forgetting the classics of everyday life through a series of challenge-discoveries (see film by an alumna) and a visit to the "Bab(b)elade" project partners in Utrecht.

Cultural activities

Cultural activities in Dutch in Namur and elsewhere vary according to supply and opportunity.

Among the classics is a September-October collaboration with the FIFF in Namur (Festival International du Film Francophone) for Cap sur la Flandre, programming on Flemish Belgian cinema.

Scientific activities

The Dutch unit stimulates students' discovery of scientific research in a variety of ways:

  • from the 2nd year onwards, students are introduced to scientific research and their work is presented at mini symposia;
  • during lecture courses, students participate actively in dialogue with national and international specialists;
  • regularly, students are involved in teachers' research projects, which can lead to joint publications.