On the program for all

The start of the 2024-2025 academic year will take place on September 16, 2024.

09:30 | Welcome ceremony at the Vauban amphitheater (Bd Frère Orban - 5000 Namur).

11:00 | Back-to-school celebration at Saint-Aubain Cathedral (Place Saint-Aubain - 5000 Namur) then welcome students by the Cercles.

First year bachelor

Tuesday, September 17

Student welcome sessions - attendance mandatory

At the Aula Maior - Auditorium L01, first floor:

  • 8:30 am: welcome to all students
  • 8:45 am: welcome address and important information

Student welcome sessions in their respective departments at 10:00 am:

Philosophy Philosophy Seminar (L57 - 5th floor)
History Aula Maior L01 (first floor)
Romanes and Latin-French* L22 (2nd floor)
Germanics L21 (2nd floor)
History of Art and Archaeology L33 (3rd floor)

* An LLAM-specific welcome session will be held at the end of the one with Romanes at L43 (4th floor).

Information session on the various Greek courses at 12:00 at the Classics Seminar (L43, 4th floor) for all students interested in the Greek language option

Information session on language courses (English-Dutch)at 13:00 at Aula Maior - L01 for students in Block I History / Art History and Archaeology / Philosophy

Courses resume at 14:00

Second and third bachelor years

Tuesday, September 17

Student welcome sessions - compulsory attendance:

09:00 Philosophy 2-3 Philo Seminar (L57 - 5th floor)
09h00 History 3 L31 (3rd floor)
11h00 History 2 Aula Maior L01 (first floor)
9h00 Romanes et Latin-French* 2-3 L22 (2nd floor)
9:00 Germanics 2-3 L21 (2nd floor)
9:00 Art History and Archaeology 2-3 L33 (3rd floor)

* An LLAM-specific welcome session will be held after the one with Romanes at L43 (4th floor).

Information session on the various Greek courses at 12:00 at the Classics Seminar (L43, 4th floor) for all students interested in the Greek language option

Information session on language courses (English-Dutch) at 1:00 pm at Aula Maior - L01 for students in blocks II and III History / Art History and Archaeology / Romanes + block II Germanics

Courses resume at 2:00 pm


Specialized Master's degree in "Cinematographic Thought and Culture

Tuesday, September 17

Required attendance

5:30pm: welcome session at L57 (5th floor) and resumption of classes

University Certificate in Philosophy

Tuesday, September 17

Student welcome sessions:

At Aula Maior - Auditorium L01, first floor:

  • 08:30: welcome to all students
  • 08:45: welcome address and important information

Welcome session at the Philosophy department (Séminaire Philo - L57, 5th floor) at 10:00 am - attendance mandatory

Resumption of classes