The Faculty of Science has more than 400 members who are involved, each year, in the scientific academic career of 1500 students.

The Faculty of Science is managed by the Dean and Vice-Dean and their team. It comprises 8 distinct departments. Each of these is headed by a director and is sometimes divided into different research units. To support the dean and department directors in their many missions, common services, an academic and administrative secretariat, and consultation and decision-making bodies have been set up :

  • the faculty council, which defines faculty policy
  • the faculty office, which prepares the faculty council and assists the dean in his duties
  • the department councils, which deal with any issues of interest to the department concerned

Meet the Dean of the Faculty

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« On ne voit bien que par les pieds ! » est la phrase fétiche de Sabine Henry. Experte en migrations environnementales, son domaine de recherche est à l’intersection entre les sciences humaines et environnementales. Son équipe est composée de chercheurs européens et de chercheurs venant des Suds, ce qui l’a confrontée très tôt à la diversité des profils de doctorants et à la recherche d’approches différenciées pour que chacun puisse progresser avec ses compétences.
Sabine Henry
Doyenne de la Faculté des sciences
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One faculty, 8 departments. Explore our programs, discover our laboratories and take part in our mission to understand the world around us and contribute to its progress.

Etudiants dans le hall d'accueil de la faculté des sciences

Any questions?

For more information, please contact the Faculty of Science.