Preparatory courses

Discover university teaching and life at the University of Namur while revising the subjects essential to your future training.

To get your first year of study off to a good start, the University of Namur is offering preparatory courses in mathematics and physics during the last two weeks of August. These courses, centered on the basic concepts covered in secondary education, cover:

  • in mathematics: algebra and logic, analysis, complex numbers, trigonometry and geometry;
  • in physics: mechanics and electricity.

A university work methodology seminar is also offered, to quickly familiarize you with the new learning context and develop new, effective study techniques.

Do you have what it takes?

Test your knowledge and skills with "Passeports pour le bac".

Early in the first week, "Passeports pour le bac" allow you to compare your achievements with those expected by your teachers. Depending on your test results, the Faculty will offer you remedial sessions in mathematics and physics.

This way, you can fill in any gaps in your knowledge and help you succeed. The results obtained in the "Passeports pour le bac" are not taken into account in your end-of-year assessment.

Are your methods appropriate?

To succeed in your first year, you need effective strategies.

Working methods sessions are organized to familiarize you with university learning techniques:

  • taking clear, comprehensive notes;
  • summarizing and synthesizing material;
  • understanding material in depth;
  • memorizing large amounts of information;
  • managing your time during class and blockade periods;
  • organizing your work;
  • anticipating teachers' requirements.

In addition, if you encounter difficulties in your study method, the cellule interfacultaire d'appui pédagogique offers you individual follow-up. Throughout the year, advisors are on hand to review your study methods and techniques and help you improve them.

And if you run into difficulties?

The University of Namur offers remediation sessions integrated into your timetable.

From the first few weeks of classes and throughout your first year, remediation and reasoning support sessions are organized and integrated into your training. Course delegates will relay any difficulties you encounter to the teaching staff.

Remedial sessions and exercises are then offered for course content that is more difficult or less well understood by students. In concrete terms, every Wednesday, part of the morning can be devoted to reviewing the main scientific subjects and the methodology of university work. From the beginning of the year, you can also benefit from personalized help.


How can you prepare for the exams?

Study regularly, acquire good methods, but also get to know the teachers' requirements and their way of questioning.

In the first year, formative assessments are organized at the beginning of November. Written exams are organized in three main subjects over three days. You receive your corrected copy and the teacher then orally explains the expected answers to his or her questions and the grading criteria used.

These tests do not play a part in the grades that will be awarded at the end of the year. They are merely a training tool to help you assess the level of your teachers' expectations and the effectiveness of your work. Personalized assistance is then offered to help you analyze the results obtained in these formative assessments, discuss your working method or delve deeper into certain parts of the subjects.

Exam organization

January, June and, if necessary, August... three sessions to prove your mastery of the subjects.

In January, you sit the exams on the 1st term courses. If you fail, you can retake the relevant exam in June and/or August. Three chances to succeed, but only in your first year as a bachelor. From the second year onwards, any exam failed in the January or June session is automatically carried over to the August session.

According to the choice of teachers, exams may be assessed either in writing or orally. Assessment procedures are specified during the first course and are detailed on the university website.