Hybrid education represents an innovative fusion of face-to-face and distance learning, redefining the traditional contours of education. At the heart of this transition, teachers play a crucial role, offering not only knowledge, but also their experience and adaptability. Through the testimonies of teachers, the challenges encountered will be explained. Accompanying this exploration, educational resources are available to support teachers in their quest for efficiency and innovation. The "Midis Enseignement à distance" are presented as rendez-vous, offering a space for exchange and sharing of expertise.

Teacher testimonials

Asynchronous distance learning, live teaching or the flipped classroom, set out to discover various forms of hybrid teaching.

fasef etudes

Educational resources

These teaching resources are the fruit of collaboration between the ICTE unit and the PUNCH team.

Etudiants à la FASEF

Midis Distance learning

Exchanges on hybrid or distance learning at the University of Namur and elsewhere.

Etudiants à la FASEF

The survival kit, available on request, has been developed jointly by the Cellule TICE, the PUNCH team and the DET to deal with the direct consequences linked to Covid19.