Mission Possible: developing my teaching skills" course (FINT0046)

Registrations open for the 24-25 academic year!

Training program offered over an entire academic year, Mission possible: develop my pedagogical skills as an assistant/teacher, aimed at assistants or teachers who have been in post for a short time and/or wish to deepen certain pedagogical skills.

This training path runs throughout the 2024-2025 academic year.

Learner profile:

  • Any teacher wishing to develop his/her pedagogical skills
  • Newly hired assistants
  • Assistants wishing to develop their students' motivation during TP/TD sessions

For UNamur staff: Participation in and completion of activities* related to the set of 8 modules of 3h training grants you 4 credits of doctoral training.

*Each module requires preparation on the 'TiceFormations' platform as well as a follow-up assignment to validate the final 4 credits.

  • Each module can be followed up individually(without obtaining credits in this case)
  • NEW MODULE: "How can I make the link between the sustainable development goals and my teaching practices?"

Trainings take place in groups of 6 people minimum to 12 people maximum. The PUNCH team reserves the right to cancel a course if the number of participants is insufficient.