The Transitions Institute aims to explore the different ways in which transitions are challenging and affecting nature and human societies in unprecedented ways, requiring a radical shift in our previous political, social and ethical patterns.
The Institute's research focuses on areas of critical importance such as the environment, economics, politics, mobility, law, justice, social cohesion, development, education, protection against vulnerability, etc.

The Transitions Institute promotes interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary collaborative research around themes rather than disciplines, through a combination of methods, concepts and theories.
Thanks to their nationally and internationally recognized expertise (F.R.S.-FNRS, European Union, Federal State, Walloon Region, etc.), the members of the Transitions Institute develop "fundamental" research projects but also "action research" projects in the service of society.
Local elections 2024: workshop-conference
We are pleased to invite you to our workshop-conference to present the "Local Elections 2024" reports, where we will share summaries and key figures from the research carried out by an academic consortium UNamur-ULB-UCLouvain-UMons-ULiège supported by the Walloon Government and SPW Interior and Social Action. Registration is now closed.

An analysis of voter turnout in October 2024
This analysis presents a comparison of voter turnout in Wallonia, Brussels and Flanders. On the one hand, the report identifies the profiles and political attitudes of voters who abstained (representative survey of the Belgian population). On the other hand, the report presents the evolution of abstention and electoral participation according to institutional and political contexts in Wallonia. Particular attention is paid to the increase in blank and invalid votes in Wallonia.
Analysis of the effects of electoral reforms since 2018
This analysis presents the effects linked to the adoption of gender quotas in communal executives, as well as the effects of the end of the devolutive effect of the top box in Wallonia. These electoral reforms may have had limited effects in some communes (mainly due to a "learning" effect of the new electoral rules). Our report analyzes the effects observed in 2024 and the factors explaining the differences observed between Wallonia's communes.
Analysis of the restructuring of the electoral offer in 2024
While 2018 had seen a significant increase in the number of lists present at communal polls (notably so-called "citizen" and far-right lists), in October 2024, the number of lists in competition fell significantly. An analysis of official figures describes the evolution of the number and type of lists according to the institutional and political configurations of Wallonia's communes. It focuses in particular on the evolution of typically "local" lists, a Walloon characteristic within European democracies.

Practical information
Rue Bruno, 11 - 5000 Namur
L'Arsenal is a 10-minute walk from Namur train station and the Parliament of Wallonia. Adjacent parking is available free of charge (Rue de l'Arsenal 13, 5000 Namur)
Registration required (places are limited - registration deadline: March 3)
9:00-13:00: Conference workshop
- 9:00-9:30: welcome and coffee
- 9:30-9:35: presentation of the project by the inter-university consortium
9:35-11:40 : presentation of reports and Q&A
Analysis of the restructuring of the electoral offer in 2024
Analysis of electoral participation in 2024
Analysis of the effects of electoral reforms in 2024
- 11:40-11:50 : closing remarks
- 12:00-13:00: closing lunch
Contact person For information requests: and |

SPW Interior and Social Action
Seminar: Gathering the views of small children and informing them to engage their participation. Cross-disciplinary and cross-border perspectives
Gathering the views of children is at the heart of the Interreg Grande Région CAPACITI project. The United Nations reminds us that children's participation in the defense of their rights relies on the training of the adults who accompany them. However, very young children represent a different audience to apprehend and more particularly those who have not yet mastered language.
This seminar is aimed at researchers as well as (future) childcare professionals - educators, carers, childcare workers - who wish to question this issue and equip themselves to better listen to and include young children. Thanks to an interdisciplinary, cross-border approach, experts from the fields of psychology, pedagogy, law and the human sciences will share their knowledge and experience. This time of exchange will provide a better understanding of how to foster children's information and participation by adapting to their abilities and needs.