A language is a living phenomenon. It is spoken in everyday life and cannot be learned exclusively from books. That's why the German Unit offers its students, members and other interested parties a wide range of activities. Please feel free to visit the various sections to learn more about these different activities.

Didactic projects for the German unit

Some examples of recent didactic projects

  • guided tour of the traveling exhibition on Ingeborg Bachmann ("Ecrire contre la guerre"), presented at the Bibliothèque Universitaire Moretus Plantin and organized in collaboration with the Austrian Cultural Forum Brussels (November 22 - December 18, 2023)
  • voyage à Francfort-sur-le-Main with a visit to the Romantik-Museum as well as Goethe's house (February 25-26, 2023)
  • reading and exchange (online) with writer Anja Tuckermann (Berlin) around her books "Denk nicht, wir bleiben hier!" Die Lebensgeschichte des Sinto Hugo Höllenreiner and Mano. Der Junge, der nicht wusste, wo er war (March 31, 2021)

Many other projects are in the pipeline.

Excursions and trips

En route!

A language is a living phenomenon. It's spoken every day and can't be learned exclusively from books. That's why the German Unit offers its students a host of activities outside the classroom.

One of our successful formulas: didactic trips to Germany and Austria.

We organize them, twice a year, one for BLOC 1 students, the other for BLOC 2 and BLOC 3 students. For them, it's an ideal opportunity to get to know the country, its culture, to deepen their knowledge of the language, to use it in "everyday life".

A condition to be met by all participants... we speak German, all day long. Deutsch sprechen den ganzen Tag!

Our destinations? Aachen, Berlin, Bonn, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Vienna ...

Bloc 1 - Excursion to Aachen - December 2023

What better place for a first German experience than the pretty border town of Aachen? BLOC 1 students and their assistants visited the International Newspaper Museum and took part in a guided tour in German. Not forgetting Aachen's not-to-be-missed Christmas market, to sample a Glühwein or Reibekuchen.

Bloc 2 & 3 - Trip to Frankfurt - February 2023

During the weekend in Frankfurt organized by the German unit in February 2023, BLOC 2 and 3 students discovered the city on the Main and its different architectural styles. A visit to Goethe's birthplace, the Museum of Romanticism and the Paulskirche, where Germany's very first assembly was held, were on the program.