Diversity and multidisciplinarity

Research projects in the Department of Archaeology and Art Sciences cover a wide range of periods, geographical areas and fields. Researchers are interested in the protohistoric peoples of our regions, the religious architecture of Pharaonic Egypt, urban archaeology in Italy, Romanization in Belgium, Gothic architecture, ancient sculpture, contemporary photography and museography.

In addition, most of the research carried out in the Department has one or more multidisciplinary components, combining the scientific approaches of archaeology and art sciences with disciplines such as physics, chemistry, dendrochronology, geology, geomatics, etc.


Archaeology and Art Sciences Laboratory

The LASA, a new laboratory dedicated to research and teaching through practice, welcomes scientists and students with adapted infrastructure, work and storage spaces.

PaTHs Institute

The Patrimoines, Transmissions, Héritages institute (PaTHs) is a federation of research centers and groups that have sprung up in and around UNamur's Faculty of Philosophy and Letters in recent years.

The AcanthuM (Monumental and Artistic Heritage) research cluster is part of the PaTHs institute. It develops interdisciplinary and diachronic research in Art History and Archaeology on monumental and artistic heritage, from Antiquity to the present day, and ensures its dissemination through the provision of expertise and mediation.


The Department's assistants carry out doctoral research at the University of Namur or at foreign universities. For several years, the Department has welcomed students enrolled in doctoral studies.

Theses in progress: https://paths.unamur.be/acanthum/projets/theses-en-preparation

Theses defended: https://paths.unamur.be/acanthum/projets/theses-soutenues

PhD students in Archaeology and Art Sciences are affiliated to the FNRS "History, Art and Archaeology" Doctoral School (ED 4). Find out more.

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