As a language learner, and a fortiori of English, in the 21st century, we're spoiled: we can create a kind of "immersion" at home and tailored to us by listening to target-language radio channels on the internet every day, watching series and films in their original version on Netflix or on TV, reading articles about anything that interests us online, or communicating with people all over the world on social networks. It's a good start, but to get regular feedback, improve, deepen our knowledge, and open up to sometimes little-known cultural horizons, we need guidance provided by pros. As the poet D.J. Enright wrote, "It takes a long time to learn a new language; / But one almost gets there in the end". There are no short cuts, but we can get you on the right track!

So, in the Germanic Languages and Literatures program at UNamur, we organize lots of course-related exercises in small groups, encouraging interactivity and dialogue, with a particular emphasis on conversation. We also try to build a cultural space of our own on our "fifth floor", where our department is located. Examples for English include:

  • sessions devoted to the screening of English-language films in Block 1 and Block 2;
  • a monthly "book club", in a convivial atmosphere (teatime!), in Block 2;
  • workshops and didactic projects linked to the various courses, such as the series of presentations around "keywords and icons of Anglophone cultures";
  • visits to exhibitions or evenings at the cinema;
  • theatrical performances;
  • our traditional "Christmas party";
  • didactic trips every two or three years, to London, Edinburgh or elsewhere still.

To give you an initial idea of the course content, take a look at the first-year course descriptions...

... in the 1st term:

... in 2nd trimester:

For the complete program in Germanic languages and literatures, see this page.