The teaching and research activities carried out within it give the Department of French and Romance Languages and Literatures the opportunity to intersect with the expectations of the society in which it is embedded.

Continuing education

Continuing education related to the themes of French and Romance languages and literatures: discourse analysis, sentence and text grammar, text/image relations, literature and its margins, etc. They are provided by CEDOCEF.

Training in the linguistics of signed languages, linked to the challenges of bilingual sign language-French teaching. Monthly thematic sessions on sign language are open to all; weekly working group sessions bring together trainers of deaf children and adults.

All given in sign language and provided as part of the LSFB Lab.


In particular, members of the department contribute to the following journals: COnTEXTES, Enjeux, Les Lettres romanes, Parade sauvage, Recherches & Travaux, Relief, Textyles.

Several publications are also produced within the framework of CEDOCEF.

Documentation center on Gérard de Nerval and Romanticism

Located within the walls of the Moretus-Plantin University Library and open to researchers and doctoral students of all backgrounds, the Centre Nerval (part of the NaLTT Institute) brings together the archives (books and notes) of Jean Guillaume's Nervalian works, augmented by files bequeathed to Namur by Claude Pichois and Jean Ziegler (1907-2001).

This center contributed to the publication of Nerval's complete works in the Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, and publishes periodical studies at the Presses universitaires de Namur.

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