A one-day symposium on protein disorder, interactions and dynamics organized by the organized by the Belgian Biophysical Society and the Physical Chemistry of Biomolecules Laboratory (CPB).
Please register below.
8:50 | Welcome, registration, and poster setup
9:20 | Welcome speech
First morning session
9:30 | Vladimir N. Uversky - University of South Florida, USA - "Dancing protein clouds: strange biology and chaotic physics of intrinsically disordered proteins"
10:15 | Marie Skepö - Lunds Universitet, Sweden - "Structural and conformation properties of IDPs: computer simulations in combination with experiments"
11:00 | Coffee break
Second morning session
11:30 | Peter Tompa - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium - "Fuzzy interactions of IDPs driving biomolecular condensation"
12:15 | Sonia Longhi - Aix-Marseille Université, France - "Intrinsic disorder, phase transitions, and fibril formation by the Henipavirus V and W proteins"
13:00 | Lunch and poster session
Afternoon session
14:30 | Sigrid Milles - Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie, Germany - "Intrinsically disordered proteins in endocytosis: an NMR and single molecule fluorescence perspective"
15:15 | Jean-François Collet - Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium - "How disorder controls the transport of lipoproteins in the cell envelope of Gram-negative bacteria"
16:00 | Closing speech
16:10 | Networking Beer Time at "Le Chapitre"
Abstract submission guidelines
Send us your abstract before 6 December 2024 by email: pdid.meeting@unamur.be
Format: Word document, maximum 1 A4 page - Times New Roman.