Veterinary medicine is a discipline at the crossroads of medicine, biology, agronomy and pharmacy. It focuses on the collective and individual health of livestock and companion animals, and its implications for the environment, human health and society.

At the forefront of managing public health problems and monitoring contagious diseases, veterinarians also spearhead human and animal biomedical research. In this sense, veterinary medicine is an indispensable link in global health.

They tell you about veterinary medicine

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J’ai un intérêt particulier pour les animaux. Je pense qu’ils sont indispensables à l’homme et j’aimerais contribuer à ce qu’ils restent en bonne santé. En plus de nous donner cours, nos professeurs sont très impliqués dans la pratique du métier. Ils ont souvent des anecdotes à nous raconter et on se sent à l’aise car on peut facilement situer où nos connaissances théoriques nous serviront. La formation à l’UNamur est très complète. Que ce soit au niveau étude ou folklore, l’Université de Namur est l’endroit rêvé.
étudiant ambassadeur
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Tout est proche à l’UNamur, on peut passer d’une faculté à l’autre en quelques minutes. En VT, on a notre propre salle de dissection. La première dissection est une étape importante dans la vie des vétérinaires : on réalise si on est fait pour ce métier ou non. Les études nous permettent de grandir, d’assumer plus de responsabilités et de devenir autonomes pour exercer notre futur métier. Je n’ai presque pas envie de les quitter tellement je m’y sens bien !
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The advantages of veterinary medicine at the University of Namur

  • From the very first block, you're in direct contact with animals
  • You put your skills to good use on the veterinary department's educational farm, which has also forged special collaborations with other training stakeholders
  • Regular contact with research teams in the various laboratories root your bachelor's training in this fascinating world where knowledge develops
  • Your training is accompanied by reflection on the implications of the sciences and their practice, and makes you veterinarians as concerned about owners as they are about their animals
  • Theoretical training rooted in the reality of the field. Learning involves using a concept (knowledge) acquired in one context to solve a problem in another: this process is called "transfer" and making a medical decision with a critical, scientific and human mind.
  • Innovative teaching tools. The department offers a wide range of team work, multidisciplinary meetings, laboratory exercises, a unique collection of anatomical models, 360° and 3D animations.

The curriculum

Bachelier en sciences vétérinaires étudiants

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine

Discover the program for the first three bachelor years.


Study info

Rue de Bruxelles, 85 5000 Namur

Faculty of Science

Rue Grafé, 2 5000 Namur

Department of Veterinary Medicine

Rue de Bruxelles, 61 5000 Namur