Biology is the science of living things.

From the cell to the ecosystem, it studies all forms of life. It is essential for understanding complex societal issues affecting the environment, health and sustainable development.

Sciences études

Biology studies at UNamur

The Biology Department at UNamur offers you a leading-edge, modern, diversified scientific training that is open to the international.

The bachelor's degree allows you to acquire, over 3 years, the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to enter a master's program.

You can choose between a master in biochemistry and molecular and cell biology (BBMC), a master's degree in molecular microbiology (MMM) and a master's degree in organismal biology and ecology (BOE). You can also opt for a master 60 allowing you to complete your graduate studies in a single year.

It's also possible to continue your training with a doctorate in one of our 4 research units.

They tell you about biology

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Pour commencer les études en biologie, il faut être passionné par les organismes vivants et aimer se questionner pour comprendre leur fonctionnement, leur comportement et leur évolution en relation avec l’environnement. Il faut attaquer les matières dès le début de la formation et parvenir à équilibrer travail et loisirs. Personnellement, c’est au calme, dans la bibliothèque, que j’étudie le mieux. 
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J’ai choisi d’étudier la biologie pour comprendre le fonctionnement du corps humain et les interactions Homme-Nature. De plus, à Namur on a une grande proximité avec les professeurs. Ils sont vraiment très accessibles. J'ai choisi d'être ambassadeur pour transmettre mon expérience aux futurs étudiants et également pour les guider dans cette aventure qu'est l'université.
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Why study biology at UNamur?

By enrolling in biology at UNamur, you'll have access to:

  • a diversified training in biology (cellular and molecular biology, plant, animal and microorganism diversity and evolution, evolutionary theories) with plenty of practical work right from the first year;
  • a choice of options to specialize your bachelor's degree leading to several master's degrees: human, cellular and molecular biology, microbiology, organismal biology and ecology;
  • a progressive learning of English (some courses are taught in immersion by an English-speaking teacher);
  • a first professional experience in a company or research laboratory, in Belgium or abroad;
  • a human scientific approach through reflection on the implications of science and its practice ;
  • advanced training in laboratory techniques, including high-throughput approaches;
  • diversified field training accessible throughout the curriculum;
  • gradual apprenticeship in computational analysis methods;
  • close, high-level supervision;
  • many opportunities for international mobility;
  • a friendly, human-scale study environment.

Programs of study

Biologie études

Bachelor's degree in biology

Discover the program for the first three bachelor years.

Biologie études

Master 120 in biochemistry and molecular and cell biology

This master's degree focuses on normal and pathological functioning, from bacteria to humans and from genes to systems. It draws on a valuable collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine.

Biologie études

Master 120 in organismal biology and ecology

This master's degree aims to analyze and understand environmental, evolutionary and biodiversity issues, and also addresses the functioning and dysfunction of aquatic or terrestrial systems. It is co-organized with UCLouvain.

Biologie études

Master 120 in Molecular Microbiology

Taught in English, this master's degree trains you for research in cutting-edge molecular bacteriology in the biotechnology, medical and food sectors. It is organized in partnership with two other leading European universities in microbiology: the Phillips-Universität in Marburg and the University of Aix-Marseille.

The master's degree is offered in English.
Biologie études

Master 60 in biology

Organized in one year, this master's degree focuses on general aspects of biology.

Biologie études

Master 120 in biology teaching - section 4 - from 2025

For graduates of a bachelor's degree in biology who make the choice to become, in two years, teachers in upper secondary education.

Biologie études

Master 60 in biology teaching - section 5 - from 2025

For graduates with a master's degree in biology who may wish to pursue a career in teaching.


Study info

Rue de Bruxelles, 85 5000 Namur

Faculty of Science

Rue Grafé, 2 5000 Namur

Biology Department

Rue Grafé, 2 5000 Namur