Since the discovery of fire during prehistoric times human beings have never ceased to be interested in matter, its properties and its natural or self-induced changes.

Named "chemists" today, specialists in the reactivity of matter pursue the art of experimentation and discovery. The products of their essential knowledge are applied in the fields of nutrition, health, hygiene, transport, sport, construction and environmental protection.

He tells you about chemistry

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Un des aspects très positifs de la formation en chimie à l’UNamur, c’est l’importance des travaux pratiques (TP). Ils permettent d’approfondir la théorie vue au cours, d’en faciliter l’apprentissage et de mettre en évidence des cas concrets. De nombreux TP sont réalisés en binôme Cela permet de s’entraider sur les sujets plus complexes ou lors de certaines manipulations. 
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Chemistry at the University of Namur

  • privileged contacts with professors, teaching assistants and other students;
  • excellent theoretical and experimental training (laboratories and practical work);
  • a wide variety of elective courses and masters research topics;
  • many opportunities to share your scientific knowledge;
  • quick, in-depth integration into research laboratories;
  • a dynamic department developing didactic innovations in chemistry teaching.

Programs of study

Chimie études

Bachelor's degree in chemistry

Discover the program for the first three bachelor years.

Chimie études

Master 120 in chemistry

The master's degree in chemistry specializes in the fields of life chemistry (biological chemistry and medicinal chemistry) and materials chemistry (the field of surfaces and nanomaterials).

Chimie études

Master 60 in chemistry

Organized in one year, this master's degree is oriented towards general aspects of biological chemistry, surface chemistry and nanomaterials as well as theoretical chemistry.

Chimie études

Master 60 in Chemistry

Taught in English, this one-year master's degree focuses on general aspects of biological chemistry, surface chemistry and nanomaterials, as well as theoretical chemistry.

Biologie études

Master 120 in chemistry teaching - section 4 - from 2025

For graduates of a bachelor's degree in chemistry who make the choice to become, in two years, teachers in upper secondary education.

Biologie études

Master 60 in chemistry teaching - section 5 - from 2025

For graduates of a master's degree in chemistry who may wish to pursue a career in teaching.


Study info

Rue de Bruxelles, 85 5000 Namur

Faculty of Science

Rue Grafé, 2 5000 Namur