Developed since the dawn of time, mathematics shapes our daily lives and develops tools for the future.

At the heart of the hard sciences, such as physics, chemistry and biology, mathematics plays a key role in a large number of applied problems, whether in computer science and telecommunications, through discrete mathematics and algorithmics, in meteorology and the space field, through the theory of dynamic systems, or in finance and actuarial science, through probability and stochastic processes.

He's talking mathematics

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En grandissant, je me suis rendu compte de l’importance de la mathématique dans notre société. Elle a permis de nombreuses avancées et est omniprésente. L’UNamur propose des études de mathématique appliquée, un superbe mélange entre théorie et application. Un des cours que j’apprécie particulièrement c’est celui d’astronomie ! Il nous initie à ce domaine et nous permet de réaliser des observations du ciel depuis notre magnifique observatoire astronomique au cœur de Namur.
Etudiant ambassadeur
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The benefits of mathematics at the University of Namur

  • a specialization in applied mathematics, whether you're destined for business, teaching or research;
  • training in individual and collective work, autonomy and initiative-taking;
  • an interdisciplinary approach by internationally recognized teachers and researchers;
  • real opportunities for mobility in Belgium and abroad.

Programs of study

Mathématique études

Bachelor's degree in mathematics

Discover the program for the first three bachelor years.

Mathématique études

Master 120 in mathematics

The master's degree in mathematics at the University of Namur specializes in applied mathematics with a particular focus that you select from data sciences, scientific research and project engineering.

Mathématique études

Master 60 in mathematics

Organized in one year, this master's degree provides a serious grounding in general mathematics with a clear focus on applications linked to numerous sectors.

Biologie études

Master 120 in mathematics education - section 4 - from 2025

For graduates of a bachelor's degree in mathematics who make the choice to become, in two years, teachers in upper secondary education.

Biologie études

Master 60 in mathematics education - section 5 - from 2025

For graduates of a master's degree in mathematics who may wish to pursue a career in teaching.


Study info

Rue de Bruxelles, 85 5000 Namur

Faculty of Science

Rue Grafé, 2 5000 Namur

Mathematics Department

Rue Grafé, 2 5000 Namur