Since 2023, the University of Namur has been reorganizing its range of teacher training courses as part of the "Reform of initial teacher training". On this page, you'll find all the information you need about training to teach in upper secondary education (4th to 6th secondary).

In 2024-2025

The reform of teacher training at university will begin in September 2025. Until then, those wishing to train to teach in upper secondary schools have two options:

  • Do you have a disciplinary bachelor's degree?

    Master's degrees with a didactic focus are offered in the sciences (biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics) and in economics and management. The 120-credit program is divided between disciplinary training (under the responsibility of the respective faculties) and pedagogical training supervised by the FaSEF.

  • Do you have a discipline master's degree?

    The agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur gives access to the teaching profession in upper secondary education to holders of a disciplinary master's degree wishing to train in didactics. The program is reduced to 30 credits of pedagogical and didactic training, mainly supervised by the FaSEF.

An information evening on the AESS and the master's degree in didactics is organized each year before the start of classes. All information concerning this information evening will be available shortly.

Please note: last year of enrolment in 2024-2025.

Masters in didactics

Do you have a disciplinary bachelor's degree and want to train to teach in upper secondary education? The University of Namur offers masters 120 with a didactic focus in several fields, enabling you to complement your disciplinary curriculum with several courses in pedagogy and applied didactics.


Biology - "Biochemistry and cellular and molecular biology" specialization

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Biology - "Organismal biology and ecology" orientation

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Management sciences

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Aggregations (AESS)

Do you have a disciplinary master's degree and want to train to teach in upper secondary education? The University of Namur organizes agrégations de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (AESS) in several fields, enabling you to train on several courses in pedagogy and applied didactics.



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Management sciences

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From September 2025

The Reform of Initial Teacher Training (RFIE) for universities will begin in September 2025 with the reorganization of these courses.

  • In place of the didactic master's degree, a master 120 en enseignement - section 4 will be organized in biology, chemistry, mathematics, physicsand economic sciences.
  • In place of the agrégation, a master 60 in teaching - section 5 will be organized in biology, chemistry, mathematics, physicsand economic sciences.

The University of Namur will be the referent for these courses, organized in codiplomation with Hénallux.

  • A master in music education - sections 4 and 5 - will also be organized, in codiplomation with IMEP.