The result of a long-term effort, this inventory was conceived at the outset of UNamur's Pedagogical Innovation Plan,

The Pedagogical Innovation Plan is the result of an institutional observation noting the emergence of new (or more varied) pedagogical methods within our teaching. This observation was the subject of internal reflection (Cellule TICE, Cellule PUNCh, Service de Pédagogie Universitaire, Pôle de Formation Continue...) foreseeing the need for a more in-depth analysis of the field.

The plan for pedagogical innovation is the result of an institutional observation noting the emergence of new (or more varied) pedagogical methods within our teaching.

The Cellule PUNCH therefore embarked on its pélerinage dans les facultés, to meet with deans, pedagogical coordinators, teachers and students to take note of current needs in the field identified within pedagogical practices.

The synthesis of these needs generated two elements:

  1. The digital stimulus plan (in connection with the RRF Numérique led by the Cellule TICE);
  2. The pedagogical innovation plan, structured as follows:

The challenges

  • Accompanying the transformation of teaching practices
  • Training students for tomorrow's world;
  • Exploring the potential of digital technology;
  • Propagating a dynamic of pedagogical innovation.


Placing digital technology at the service of interactive and active methods, i.e.:

  • Favoring interaction with students;
  • Following group work;
  • Favoring active methods;

Strengthening the value of proximity:

  • Between students
  • With the teacher

Expand the range of ways in which students' learning is assessed:

  • Inspire new modes
  • Focus on understanding

Promote attention to openness to the world and a concern for social equality, guaranteeing access to new teaching modalities for all.

Fostering the SOTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) approach:

  • Viewing one's teaching as an object of "research"
  • Measuring the quality of pedagogical innovations


How to undertake these various challenges?

  • Through the presence and mobilization of interfaculty services;
  • By guaranteeing an accompaniment service for faculties;
  • By providing accompaniment to teachers/assistants;
  • By activating a watch on pedagogical practices;
  • Through calls for projects;
  • By prior identification of what already exists → field surveys.

This structure has led to various workstreams, including the one that concerns us: the inspiring practices tour.

A definition of innovation specific to UNamur (taken from various sources)

In the pedagogical innovation plan:

"Innovation results from an intention and implements one or more actions aimed at changing or modifying something (a state, a situation, a practice, methods, an operation), based on a diagnosis of insufficiency, unsuitability or dissatisfaction in relation to the objectives to be achieved, results, working relationships. "

A meeting with UNamur teachers (these meetings continue in 2023-2024)

FacultiesNumber of teachers met
Economics and management
Sciences economics and management24
Philosophy and humanities10
Education and technology Technology7
School of Modern Languages10

A reflection on the definition of pedagogical innovation. reflection on the definition of pedagogical innovation through different criteria

The criteria:

  • newness,
  • change,
  • reflection,
  • application,
  • improvement,
  • human relations
  • technology versus pedagogy.

The spread of institutional pedagogical innovation

Through, in particular:

PUNCh Sessions

Communities of practice on certain pedagogies: simulation, role-playing...

A grand banquet of inspiring pedagogical practices

On the banquet menu:

  • Institutional definition of pedagogical innovation
  • Presentation of our approach
  • Inspiring peer-to-peer workshops
  • Transferability