Dear Graduates,

Following tradition, we are pleased to invite you to the graduation ceremony for the graduates in 2024 of the Masters in Management Sciences and Management Engineering. This evening will be an opportunity to introduce you to the new identity of your alma mater, now called UNamur School of Management (UNSM) within the faculty Economics Management Communication sciencesPo (EMCP). It will also be an opportunity to present you with your diploma.

Cérémonie de diplomation en EMCP

This event will take place in two stages on Friday November 29.

First, the graduation ceremony following a toga ceremony, which will be made available to graduates, at the Amphithéâtre Vauban of the University of Namur. This will be followed by a walking dinner bringing together graduates, their entourage and members of staff, to be held at l'Arsenal.

The UNamur School of Management would especially like to invite you to this session, which is the crowning achievement of several years of effort, both for graduates and their families and for members of the Faculty.

The evening will unfold as follows:

  • 6:00 pm: Distribution of gowns to graduates and rehearsal of the ceremony with the Department Director, Prof. Corentin BURNAY. Promotion photo. [graduates only]
  • 19:00: Welcome by the Department Director, Prof. Corentin BURNAY and by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Pietro ZIDDA
  • 7:15pm: Speech by the Rector of UNamur, Prof. Annick CASTIAUX
  • 7:30pm: Speech by the Program Manager, Prof. Anthony SIMONOFSKI
  • 7:45pm: Speeches by graduates of the class
  • 8:00pm: Proclamation and toga graduation ceremony
  • 8:30pm: Walking dinner

Registration for the graduation ceremony is mandatory and will be free for both graduates and their accompanying persons. The walking dinner is free for graduates. However, accompanying persons wishing to attend will be asked to make a contribution amounting to 25 EUR per person. We would like to point out that participation in the walking dinner, for both graduates and accompanying persons, is optional, and that the contribution requested covers only part of the costs involved in organizing the walking dinner.

Looking forward to meeting you and thanking you in advance for your attendance, please accept, dear Graduates, our best regards.

Prof. Pietro Zidda - Dean of the EMCP Faculty

Prof. Corentin Burnay - Director of the UNamur School of Management

Plan parking

Le Parking de la Faculté EMCP sera ouvert et accessible via la rue Grandgagnage. 

Plan parking diplomation EMCP